So you say you're in the section labelled "Adding and testing your LCD display". I'm going to assume that you're trying the first LCD test sketch, shown below:
/* Arduino Projects for Dummies
* by Brock Craft
* Chapter 7: Building an Arduino Clock
* An alarm clock that uses the Adafruit Industries DS1307 RTC Breakout board
* and a 16x2 Parallel LCD Display
* This code just tests the LCD display
* Uses the default Wire and LiquitCrystal libraries
* and the Adafruit RTC library
* v0.1 30.04.2013
* Adapted from
#include <Wire.h> // I2C Wire Library for communicating with the DS1307 RTC
#include "RTClib.h" // Date and time functions for the DS1307 RTC connected
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Display functions for the LCD Display
RTC_DS1307 rtc; // Create a realtime clock called rtc
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // Create an LCD called lcd
void setup () {
Wire.begin(); // Enables the communication for the LCD
rtc.begin(); // Enables the RTC
lcd.begin(16, 2); // Enables the LCD
lcd.print(" It's Alive!"); // Print a message, centered, to the LCD to confirm is working
delay(1000); // Wait a moment so we can read it
lcd.clear(); // Clear the LCD
void loop(){
With both these libraries installed:
the example sketch compiles pretty much cleanly, with only a warning about comparing signed and unsigned values in the DateTime constructor in RTClib (which you likely won't even see unless you've got the warning level cranked up like I do).
Since you didn't include your sketch in your message, I suppose it's possible that you're further on and have something closer to the final sketch in Chapter 7, shown below:
/* Arduino Projects for Dummies
* by Brock Craft
* Chapter 7: Building an Arduino Clock
* An alarm clock that uses the Adafruit Industries DS1307 RTC Breakout board
* and a 16x2 Parallel LCD Display
* Uses the default Wire and LiquitCrystal libraries
* and the Adafruit RTC library
* v0.1 30.04.2013
* Adapted from
#include <Wire.h> // I2C Wire Library for communicating with the DS1307 RTC
#include "RTClib.h" // Date and time functions for the DS1307 RTC connected
#include <LiquidCrystal.h> // Display functions for the LCD Display
RTC_DS1307 rtc; // Create a realtime clock called rtc
LiquidCrystal lcd(12, 11, 5, 4, 3, 2); // Create an LCD called lcd
DateTime now; // Creates a DateTime object called now so that we can read from the RTC module
boolean displayAlarmSet = false; // Whether we are in the show time mode or show alarm set mode
boolean alarm = false; // Whether the alarm is set or not
boolean armed = false; // Whether the alarm is armed or not
int alarmHrs = 12; // You can set the alarm time in code, here
int alarmMins = 00;
// User input to set alarm time
const int alarmSetPin=6; // Used to change to alarm set mode
const int incrementAlarmHrsPin=7; // Used to increment the alarm hours in alarm set mode
const int incrementAlarmMinsPin=8; // Used to increment the alarm minutes in alarm set mode
const int piezoPin = 9; // Used for the piezoelectric sounder
const int alarmArmedPin=10; // Use to enable the alarm to go off
void setup () {
Wire.begin(); // Enables the communication for the LCD
rtc.begin(); // Enables the RTC
lcd.begin(16, 2); // Enables he LCD
lcd.print(" It's Alive!"); // Print a message, centered, to the LCD to confirm is working
delay(1000); // Wait a moment so we can read it
lcd.clear(); // Clear the LCD
// Set several pins for input and output
pinMode(alarmSetPin, INPUT);
pinMode(incrementAlarmHrsPin, INPUT);
pinMode(incrementAlarmMinsPin, INPUT);
pinMode(piezoPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(alarmArmedPin, INPUT);
void loop () {
now =; // Get the current time
int alarmArmed=digitalRead(alarmArmedPin);
if (alarmArmed==HIGH){
} else {
// Determine whether to sound the alarm or not
if(armed){ // If the alarm is armed and...
if (!alarm){ // If we are not currently sounding the alarm
checkAlarm(); // Check to see if it is the time it should be triggered
else {
soundAlarm(); // Otherwise, we should be sounding the alarm, so do it.
// Check whether we are in Alarm Set mode
int setMode = digitalRead(alarmSetPin); // Read the pin that the switch is on
if (setMode==HIGH){ // If the pin is high
displayAlarmSet=true; // Set displayAlarmSet true. It's used by updateDisplay to switch between showing alarm or current time
setAlarm(); // Go read the switches to set the alarm
else { // If we aren't in set mode
displayAlarmSet=false; // We are not is net mode so make sure the flag is correct
// Refresh the display
// Update the display with either the current time or the time the alarm is set for
void updateDisplay(){
if(displayAlarmSet){ // If we are in alarm set mode, DISPLAY ALARM SET TEXT
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Set the cursor at the column zero, upper row
lcd.print("Set alarm time: ");
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Move the cursor to column four, lower row
lcd.print(" "); // Write over digits of the time that was previously displayed
lcd.setCursor(5, 1); // Move to the next column so the time will be centered
if (alarmHrs<10){ // Integers of 0-9 are only one digit. If so...
lcd.print(0); // ... add a zero in front of it
lcd.print(alarmHrs); // Print the current alarm hour
lcd.setCursor(7, 1); // Move to the next column
lcd.print(":"); // And print the colon
lcd.setCursor(8, 1); // Move to the next column
if (alarmMins<10){ // Integers of 0-9 are only one digit. If so...
lcd.print(0); // ... add a zero in front of it
lcd.print(alarmMins); // Print the current alarm minutes
lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // Move to the next column
lcd.print(" "); // Write spaces over the digits of time previously displayed
else { // If we are in NOT alarm set mode, DISPLAY CURRENT TIME
int h = now.hour(); // Get the hours right now and store them in an integer called h
int m = now.minute(); // Get the minutes right now and store them in an integer called m
int s = now.second(); // Get the seconds right now and store them in an integer called s
lcd.setCursor(0, 0); // Set the cursor at the column zero, upper row...
lcd.print("* The time is: ");
else {
lcd.print(" The time is: "); // ...with spaces to clear characters from setting alarm.
lcd.setCursor(4, 1); // Move the cursor to column four, lower row
if (h<10){ // Add a zero, if necessary, as above
lcd.print(h); // Display the current hour
lcd.setCursor(6, 1); // Move to the next column
lcd.print(":"); // And print the colon
lcd.setCursor(7, 1); // Move to the next column
if (m<10){ // Add a zero, if necessary, as above
lcd.print(m); // Display the current minute
lcd.setCursor(9, 1); // Move to the next column
lcd.print(":"); // And print the colon
lcd.setCursor(10, 1); // Move to the next column
if (s<10){ // Add a zero, if necessary, as above
lcd.print(s); // Display the current second
// Check whether to sound the alarm
void checkAlarm(){
if(alarmHrs==now.hour() && alarmMins==now.minute() && now.second()==0){ // If the alarm time is now, and it's zero seconds
alarm=true; // set the alarm flag to be true. The next time the main loop executes, the alarm will be activated
// Increment hours or minutes
void setAlarm(){
int hrs=digitalRead(incrementAlarmHrsPin);
int mins=digitalRead(incrementAlarmMinsPin);
if (hrs==HIGH){ // If the hours switch is pressed
alarmHrs+=1; // Increment the hours upward
delay(200); // Wait a moment between incrementing the numbers
if(alarmHrs>23){ // if the hour is over 23, set it back to 0
if (mins==HIGH){ // If the minutes switch is pressed
alarmMins+=1; // Increment the minutes upward
delay(200); // Wait a moment between incrementing the numbers
if(alarmMins>59){ // if the minute is over 59, set it back to 0
void soundAlarm() {
float alarmFrequency=1400; // The value for the alarm tone in Hz
float period = (1.0 / alarmFrequency) * 1000000;
long beepDuration=250000; // the time in microseconds
long elapsedTime = 0;
while (elapsedTime < beepDuration) {
delayMicroseconds(period / 2);
digitalWrite(piezoPin, LOW);
delayMicroseconds(period / 2);
elapsedTime += (period);
digitalWrite(piezoPin, LOW);
// Listend for either button to be pressed and if so, turn off the alarm
int hrs=digitalRead(incrementAlarmHrsPin);
int mins=digitalRead(incrementAlarmMinsPin);
if (hrs==HIGH || mins==HIGH){
which also compiles pretty much cleanly, with only the same warning about comparing signed and unsigned values in the DateTime constructor in RTClib.
Having established that the code in the book still compiles over 10 years and who knows how many library updates later, how about you show your sketch that you're having problems with, properly formatted in a code block, so that someone might have a chance of telling you where you've gone astray?