I kept on getting error messages, I have downloaded all the libraries required but I still can't solve the problem. Every Time I try compiling the code it gives me this error code. I have put in the correct board which is my Arduino Pro Mini. I don't know how to add a proper forum message so ask me if I could help even more. It also says I am a new user, and I can't upload the full code.

 `C:\Users\E\Documents\Arduino\Lazy Grid Clock\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1)\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1).ino: In function 'void setup()':
C:\Users\E\Documents\Arduino\Lazy Grid Clock\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1)\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1).ino:188:21: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope
C:\Users\E\Documents\Arduino\Lazy Grid Clock\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1)\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1).ino: In function 'void setupClock()':
C:\Users\E\Documents\Arduino\Lazy Grid Clock\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1)\LGCv2_7x11_v6-pre (1).ino:512:5: error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope
     RTC.write(setupTime);                                                                     // write setupTime to RTC

exit status 1

Compilation error: 'RTC' was not declared in this scope`

which RTC are you using?
looking at examples I have I used RTClib
have you looked at example programs in File>Examples for the RTC library you have

dected’ and ‘declared’ are two different words…
Programming is very sensitive to these things, just like the helpers.

I have a DS3231 RTC module, and I use the DS3231 RTC by Jack Christen libary

That's a good library to use.
What version are you using? There have been some changes which are important

Have you run the library examples?

Is the rtc object definitely called "RTC"? Not "Rtc" or "rtc"?

Yes, it is definitely called RTC

Yes, I have the latest version downloaded. And what do you mean with running the library example. If I go to File-Examples- Then Press on the RTC by Jack Christen It just shows some code. Do I have to do something else

Can you post your code please?
Don't try to upload, just copy and paste using code tags. More info here if required: How to get the best out of this forum

Yes, you have to compile and upload it to the Arduino, and see what happens when you run it.

#ifdef nodeMCU
  #define FASTLED_ESP8266_RAW_PIN_ORDER           // this means we'll be using the raw esp8266 pin order -> GPIO_12, which is d6 on nodeMCU
  #define LED_PIN 12                              // led data in connected to GPIO_12 (d6/nodeMCU)
  #define LED_PIN 6                               // led data in connected to d6 (arduino)

#define RESX 7                                   // 7 columns
#define RESY 11                                  // 11 rows
#define DIGITX 3                                 // width of digits (3 pixels)
#define DIGITY 5                                 // height of digits (5 pixels)
#define LED_COUNT (RESX * RESY) + 6              // total number of leds (77 + 6 unused leds)
#define LED_PWR_LIMIT 500                        // 500mA - Power limit in mA (voltage is set in setup() to 5v)

#include <FastLED.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>

#ifdef nodeMCU
  #ifdef useWiFi                                  // include wifi library when set to use it, otherwise just load wire/rtc libs for nodeMCU
    #include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
    #include <NTPClient.h>
    #include <WiFiUdp.h>
    #define timeOffset 120                        // time offset to utc in minutes, 120 minutes -> CEST
    WiFiUDP ntpUDP;
    NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "", timeOffset * 60, 60000);
    #include <Wire.h>
    #include <RtcDS3231.h>
    RtcDS3231<TwoWire> Rtc(Wire);                 // Define the Rtc object
#else                                             // on Arduino we'll be using wire/DS3232RTC as in previous versions
  #include <Wire.h>
  #include <DS3232RTC.h>


CRGBPalette16 currentPalette;

const bool dbg = true;                            // debug, true = enable serial input/output

#ifdef nodeMCU
  int buttonA = 13;                               // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d7 / GPIO_13
  int buttonB = 14;                               // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d5 / GPIO_14
  int buttonA = 3;                                // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d3
  int buttonB = 4;                                // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d4
byte brightness = 100;                            // default brightness if none saved to eeprom yet / first run
byte brightnessLevels[3] {100, 150, 230};         // 0 - 255, brightness Levels (min, med, max) - index (0-2) will get stored to eeprom
                                                  // Note: With brightnessAuto = 1 this will be the maximum brightness setting used!
byte brightnessAuto = 0;                          // 1 = enable brightness corrections using a photo resistor/readLDR();
byte upperLimitLDR = 140;                         // everything above this value will cause max brightness to be used (if it's higher than this)
byte lowerLimitLDR = 20;                          // everything below this value will cause minBrightness to be used
byte minBrightness = 20;                          // anything below this avgLDR value will be ignored
float factorLDR = 1.0;                            // try 0.5 - 2.0, compensation value for avgLDR. Set dbgLDR & dbg to true and watch serial console. Looking...
const bool dbgLDR = false;                        // ...for values in the range of 120-160 (medium room light), 40-80 (low light) and 0 - 20 in the dark
#ifdef nodeMCU
  int pinLDR = 0;                                 // LDR connected to A0 (nodeMCU only offers this one)
  int pinLDR = 1;                                 // LDR connected to A1 (in case somebody flashes this sketch on arduino and already has an ldr connected to A1)
byte intervalLDR = 60;                            // read value from LDR every 60ms (most LDRs have a minimum of about 30ms - 50ms)
unsigned long valueLDRLastRead = 0;               // time when we did the last readout
int avgLDR = 0;                                   // we will average this value somehow somewhere in readLDR();
int lastAvgLDR = 0;

bool enableDot = true;                            // enable/disable blinking dot (true/false)

byte startColor = 0;                              // "index" for the palette color used for drawing
byte displayMode = 0;                             // 0 = 12h, 1 = 24h (will be saved to EEPROM once set using buttons)
byte colorOffset = 32;                            // default distance between colors on the color palette used between digits/leds (in overlayMode)
int colorChangeInterval = 1500;                   // interval (ms) to change colors when not in overlayMode (per pixel/led coloring uses overlayInterval)
byte overlayMode = 0;                             // switch on/off (1/0) to use void colorOverlay(); (will be saved to EEPROM once set using buttons)
int overlayInterval = 200;                        // interval (ms) to change colors in overlayMode

byte btnRepeatCounter = 1;
byte lastKeyPressed = 0;
unsigned long btnRepeatStart = 0;

byte lastSecond = 0;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
unsigned long lastColorChange = 0;

/* these values will be stored to the EEPROM:
  0 = index for selectedPalette / switchPalette();
  1 = index for brightnessLevels / switchBrightness();
  2 = displayMode, 12h/24h (when set using the buttons)
  3 = overlayMode, per digit/per line color (when set using the buttons)

// let's define 0-9 to be displayed in a 3x5 grid (digitX & digitY)
// we'll start with 0 because that way our index to the array will correspond to the digit (0 = 0, 1 = 1...)
byte digits[16][DIGITX * DIGITY] = {
  { 1, 1, 1,
    1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 1,
    1, 0, 1,
    1, 1, 1 },                                            // 0
  { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 },        // 1
  { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 },        // 2
  { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // 3
  { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 },        // 4
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // 5
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // 6
  { 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 },        // 7
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // 8
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // 9
  { 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 },        // t - some letters from here on (index 10, so won't interfere with digits 0-9)
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 },        // r
  { 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // y
  { 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 },        // s
  { 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 },        // i
  { 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }         // d

void setup() {
  if (brightnessAuto == 1) pinMode(pinLDR, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(buttonA, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(buttonB, INPUT_PULLUP);
  if (dbg) {
    Serial.begin(74880); Serial.println();    
    Serial.println(F("Lazy Grid Clock v2 starting up..."));
    Serial.print(F("Configured for: ")); Serial.print(LED_COUNT); Serial.println(F(" leds"));
    Serial.print(F("Power limited to (mA): ")); Serial.print(LED_PWR_LIMIT); Serial.println(F(" mA")); Serial.println();
  FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, LED_COUNT).setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050).setTemperature(DirectSunlight).setDither(1);
  FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(5, LED_PWR_LIMIT);
  #ifdef nodeMCU
  #ifdef nodeMCU                                                                              // if building for nodeMCU...
    #ifdef useWiFi                                                                            // ...and if using WiFi.....
      if ( dbg ) {
        Serial.println(F("Starting up WiFi..."));
      byte i = 30;
      WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA);                                                                    // set WiFi mode to STA...
      WiFi.begin(WiFi.SSID().c_str(),WiFi.psk().c_str());                                     // ...and start connecting using saved credentials...
      while ( i > 0 ) {                                                                       // check for roughly 10 seconds (i = 30 * 333ms) and show a
        if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) i--; else i = 0;                                 // countdown while waiting for WL_CONNECTED status
        showDigit(i / 3, 4, 7, startColor);;
      if ( WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ) {                                                  // if status is connected, initialize timeClient and sync to ntp
      if ( dbg ) {
        if ( WiFi.status() != 0 ) {
          Serial.print(F("Connected to SSID: ")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());
        } else Serial.println(F("WiFi connection failed."));
    #else                                                                                     // using nodeMCU but no WiFi, so do everything required for the RTC
  #else                                                                                       // building for Arduino, so do everything as in previous sketches...

void loop() {
  if (  ( lastLoop - lastColorChange >= colorChangeInterval ) && ( overlayMode == 0 )         // if colorChangeInterval has been reached and overlayMode is disabled...
     || ( lastLoop - lastColorChange >= overlayInterval ) && ( overlayMode == 1 ) ) {         // ...or if overlayInterval has been reached and overlayMode is enabled...
    startColor++;                                                                             // increase startColor to "move" colors slowly across the digits/leds
    updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
    lastColorChange = millis();
  if ( lastSecond != second() ) {                                                             // if current second is different from last second drawn...
    updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);                                                   // lastSecond will be set in displayTime() and will be used for
    lastSecond = second();                                                                    // redrawing regardless the digits count (HH:MM or HH:MM:SS)
  if ( lastKeyPressed == 1 ) {                                                                // if buttonA is pressed...
    switchBrightness();                                                                       // ...switch to next brightness level
    updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
    if ( btnRepeatCounter >= 20 ) {                                                           // if buttonA is held for a few seconds change overlayMode 0/1 (using colorOverlay())
      if ( overlayMode == 0 ) overlayMode = 1; else overlayMode = 0;
      updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
      EEPROM.put(3, overlayMode);                                                             // ...and write setting to eeprom
      #ifdef nodeMCU                                                                          // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
      btnRepeatStart = millis();
  if ( lastKeyPressed == 2 ) {                                                                // if buttonB is pressed...
    switchPalette();                                                                          // ...switch between color palettes
    updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
    if ( btnRepeatCounter >= 20 ) {                                                           // if buttonB is held for a few seconds change displayMode 0/1 (12h/24h)...
      if ( displayMode == 0 ) displayMode = 1; else displayMode = 0;
      updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
      EEPROM.put(2, displayMode);                                                             // ...and write setting to eeprom
      #ifdef nodeMCU
      btnRepeatStart = millis();
  if ( ( lastLoop - valueLDRLastRead >= intervalLDR ) && ( brightnessAuto == 1 ) ) {          // if LDR is enabled and sample interval has been reached...
    readLDR();                                                                                // readLDR();
    if ( abs(avgLDR - lastAvgLDR) >= 5 ) {                                                    // only adjust current brightness if avgLDR has changed for more than +/- 5.
      updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
      lastAvgLDR = avgLDR;
      if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("Updated display with avgLDR of: ")); Serial.println(avgLDR); }
    valueLDRLastRead = millis();
  if ( lastKeyPressed == 12 ) {                                                               // if buttonA + buttonB are pushed at the same time....
    #ifdef useWiFi                                                                            // ...and if using WiFi...
      initWPS();                                                                              // ...start WPS
    #else                                                                                     // otherwise (arduino + rtc or nodemcu + rtc)...
      setupClock();                                                                           // ...start manual setup
  #ifdef nodeMCU                                                                              // On Arduino SetSyncProvider will be used. So this will sync internal time to rtc/ntp on nodeMCU only
    if ( ( hour() == 3 || hour() == 9 || hour() == 15 || hour() == 21 ) &&                    // if hour is 3, 9, 15 or 21 and...
         ( minute() == 3 && second() == 0 ) ) {                                               // minute is 3 and second is 0....
      if ( dbg ) Serial.print(F("Current time: ")); Serial.println(now());
      #ifdef useWiFi
        syncNTP();                                                                            // ...either sync using ntp or...
        setTime(Rtc.GetDateTime());                                                           // ...set internal time to rtc time...
      if ( dbg ) Serial.print(F("New time: ")); Serial.println(now());
    ESP.wdtFeed();                                                                            // feed the watchdog each time loop() is cycled through, just in case...
  #endif;                                                                             // run every time to avoid color flickering at low brightness settings
  lastKeyPressed = readButtons();
  lastLoop = millis();
  if ( dbg ) dbgInput();                                                                      // if dbg = true this will read serial input/keys                                                        // if dbg = true this will read serial input/keys

void readLDR() {                                                                                            // read LDR value 5 times and write average to avgLDR for use in updateDisplay();
  static byte runCounter = 1;
  static int tmp = 0;
  byte readOut = map(analogRead(pinLDR), 0, 1023, 0, 250);
  tmp += readOut;
  if (runCounter == 5) {
    avgLDR = (tmp / 5)  * factorLDR;
    tmp = 0; runCounter = 0;
    if ( dbg && dbgLDR ) { Serial.print(F("avgLDR value: ")); Serial.print(avgLDR); }
    avgLDR = max(avgLDR, int(minBrightness)); avgLDR = min(avgLDR, int(brightness));                        // this keeps avgLDR in a range between minBrightness and maximum current brightness
    if ( avgLDR >= upperLimitLDR && avgLDR < brightness ) avgLDR = brightness;                              // if avgLDR is above upperLimitLDR switch to max current brightness
    if ( avgLDR <= lowerLimitLDR ) avgLDR = minBrightness;                                                  // if avgLDR is below lowerLimitLDR switch to minBrightness
    if ( dbg && dbgLDR ) { Serial.print(F(" - adjusted to: ")); Serial.println(avgLDR); }

void colorOverlay() {                                                                                       // example of how to "project" colors on already drawn time/pixels before showing leds in updateDisplay();
  for (byte y = 0; y < RESY; y++) {                                                                         // Check each row...
    for (byte x = 0; x < RESX; x++) {                                                                       // ...and each column...
      if (checkPixel(x, y)) setPixel(x, y, startColor + y * 12);                                            // and if current pixel is lit, draw it again in another color.

void updateDisplay(byte color, byte colorSpacing) {                                                         // this is what redraws the "screen"
  FastLED.clear();                                                                                          // clear whatever the leds might have assigned currently...
  displayTime(now(), color, colorSpacing);                                                                  // ...set leds to display the time...
  if (overlayMode == 1) colorOverlay();                                                                     // ...and if using overlayMode = 1 draw custom colors over single leds
  if (brightnessAuto == 1) {                                                                                // If brightness is adjusted automatically by using readLDR()...
    FastLED.setBrightness(avgLDR);                                                                          // ...set brightness to avgLDR
  } else {                                                                                                  // ...otherwise...
    FastLED.setBrightness(brightness);                                                                      // ...assign currently selected brightness

byte readButtons() {
  byte activeButton = 0;
  byte retVal = 0;
  static int btnRepeatDelay = 150;
  static unsigned long lastButtonPress = 0;
  if ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 || digitalRead(buttonB) == 0) {
    if (digitalRead(buttonA) == 0) activeButton = 1;
    else if (digitalRead(buttonB) == 0) activeButton = 2;
    if ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 && digitalRead(buttonB) == 0 ) activeButton = 12;
    if (millis() - lastButtonPress >= btnRepeatDelay) {
      btnRepeatStart = millis();
      btnRepeatCounter = 0;
      retVal = activeButton;
    } else if (millis() - btnRepeatStart >= btnRepeatDelay * (btnRepeatCounter + 1) ) {
      if (btnRepeatCounter > 5) retVal = activeButton;
    lastButtonPress = millis();
  return retVal;

void displayTime(time_t t, byte color, byte colorSpacing) {
  if (displayMode == 0) {
    if (hourFormat12(t) >= 10) showDigit(1, 2, 10, color + colorSpacing * 2);
    showDigit((hourFormat12(t) % 10), 6, 10, color + colorSpacing * 3);
  } else if (displayMode == 1) {
    if ( hour(t) > 9) showDigit(hour(t) / 10, 2, 10, color + colorSpacing * 2);                       // don't show leading 0 in 24h mode from 0:00 - 09:59
    showDigit(hour(t) % 10, 6, 10, color + colorSpacing * 3);
  showDigit((minute(t) / 10), 2, 4, color + colorSpacing * 4);
  showDigit((minute(t) % 10), 6, 4, color + colorSpacing * 5);
  if ( enableDot ) 
    if (second(t) % 2 == 0) setPixel(3, 5, 96 + second(t) * 4.25);                                    // show : between hours and minutes on even seconds
  lastSecond = second(t);

void showDigit(byte digit, byte x, byte y, byte color) {            // show digit (0-9) with upper right corner at position x/y 
  for (byte i = 0; i < (DIGITX * DIGITY); i++) {
    if (digits[digit][i] == 1) setPixel(x + (i - ((i / DIGITX) * DIGITX)) - 2, y - (i / DIGITX), color);

void setPixel(byte x, byte y, byte color) {                         // this translates the continuous (0 - LED_COUNT) adressing of the leds to x/y coordinates (0/0 at lower left corner (front), datain)
  byte pixel = 0;
  if (x < RESX && y < RESY) {
    if ((x % 2) == 0) pixel = x + (x * RESY) + y;
      else pixel = ((x + 1) * RESY) - y + x;
    leds[pixel] = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, color, brightness, LINEARBLEND);

bool checkPixel(byte x, byte y) {                                   // returns true if a led at position x/y is lit
  byte pixel = 0;
  if (x < RESX && y < RESY) {
    if ((x % 2) == 0) pixel = x + (x * RESY) + y;
      else pixel = ((x + 1) * RESY) - y + x;
  if (leds[pixel]) return true; else return false;

void dbgInput() {
  if ( dbg ) {
    if ( Serial.available() > 0 ) {
      byte incomingByte = 0;
      incomingByte =;
      if ( incomingByte == 44 ) if ( overlayMode == 0 ) overlayMode = 1; else overlayMode = 0;  // ,
      if ( incomingByte == 48 ) if ( displayMode == 0 ) displayMode = 1; else displayMode = 0;  // 0
      if ( incomingByte == 49 ) FastLED.setTemperature(OvercastSky);                            // 1
      if ( incomingByte == 50 ) FastLED.setTemperature(DirectSunlight);                         // 2 
      if ( incomingByte == 51 ) FastLED.setTemperature(Halogen);                                // 3
      if ( incomingByte == 52 ) overlayInterval = 30;                                           // 4
      if ( incomingByte == 53 ) colorChangeInterval = 10;                                       // 5
      if ( incomingByte == 54 ) { overlayInterval = 200; colorChangeInterval = 1500; }          // 6
      if ( incomingByte == 55 ) lastKeyPressed = 1;                                             // 7
      if ( incomingByte == 56 ) lastKeyPressed = 2;                                             // 8
      if ( incomingByte == 57 ) lastKeyPressed = 12;                                            // 9
      if ( incomingByte == 43 ) colorOffset += 16;                                              // +
      if ( incomingByte == 45 ) colorOffset -= 16;                                              // -
      Serial.print(F("Input - ASCII: ")); Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC); Serial.println();

void loadValuesFromEEPROM() {
  byte tmp =;
  if ( tmp <= 1 ) displayMode = tmp; else displayMode = 0;        // if no values have been stored to eeprom at position 2/3 then a read will give us something unusable...
  tmp =;                                           // we'll only take the value from eeprom if it's smaller than 1
  if ( tmp <= 1 ) overlayMode = tmp; else overlayMode = 0;        // (for colorMode/displayMode which can only bei 0/1)

void switchPalette() {                                            // Simply add palettes, make sure paletteCount increases accordingly
  byte paletteCount = 7;                                          // A few examples of gradients/solid colors by using RGB values or HTML Color Codes
  byte tmp =;
  if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchPalette() EEPROM value: ")); Serial.println(tmp); }
  if ( tmp > paletteCount - 1 ) tmp = 0; else tmp = tmp;          // If value hasn't been written yet might return something > paletteCount, in that case set tmp = 0
  static byte selectedPalette = tmp;
  switch ( selectedPalette ) {
    case 0: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB( 224,   0,  32 ),
                                            CRGB(   0,   0, 244 ),
                                            CRGB( 128,   0, 128 ),
                                            CRGB( 224,   0,  64 ) ); break;
    case 1: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB( 224,  16,   0 ),
                                            CRGB( 192,  64,   0 ),
                                            CRGB( 128, 128,   0 ),
                                            CRGB( 224,  32,   0 ) ); break;
    case 2: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Aquamarine,
                                            CRGB::DeepSkyBlue   ); break;
    case 3: currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; break;
    case 4: currentPalette = PartyColors_p; break;
    case 5: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::White ); break;
    case 6: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::LawnGreen ); break;
  EEPROM.put(0, selectedPalette);
  #ifdef nodeMCU                                                  // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
  if (dbg) { Serial.print(F("switchPalette() EEPROM write: ")); Serial.println(selectedPalette); Serial.println(); }
  if (selectedPalette < paletteCount - 1) selectedPalette++; else selectedPalette = 0;

void switchBrightness() {
  byte tmp =;
  if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchBrightness() EEPROM value: ")); Serial.println(tmp); }
  if ( tmp > 2 ) tmp = 0;                                         // If value hasn't been written yet might return something > brightnessLevels (0-2), in that case set tmp = 0
  static byte selectedBrightness = tmp;
  switch ( selectedBrightness ) {
    case 0: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
    case 1: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
    case 2: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
  EEPROM.put(1, selectedBrightness);
  #ifdef nodeMCU                                                  // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
  if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchBrightness() EEPROM write: ")); Serial.println(selectedBrightness); Serial.println(); }
  if ( selectedBrightness < 2 ) selectedBrightness++; else selectedBrightness = 0;

DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE (setupColors_gp) {                                                  // this color palette will only be used while in setup
    1, 255,   0,   0,                                                                       // unset values = red, current value = yellow, set values = green
   63, 255, 255,   0,
   95,   0, 255,   0,
  191,   0, 255, 255,
  255,   0,   0, 255

void setupClock() {
  // finally not using a custom displayTime routine for setup, improvising a bit and using the setupColor-Palette defined on top of the sketch
  if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Entering setup mode..."));
  byte prevBrightness = brightness;                                                         // store current brightness and switch back after setup
  brightness = brightnessLevels[1];                                                         // select medium brightness level
  currentPalette = setupColors_gp;                                                          // use setupColors_gp palette while in setup
  tmElements_t setupTime;                                                                   // Create a time element which will be used. Using the current time would
  setupTime.Hour = 12;                                                                      // give some problems (like time still running while setting hours/minutes)
  setupTime.Minute = 0;                                                                     // Setup starts at 12 (12 pm)
  setupTime.Second = 1;                                                                     // 1 because displayTime() will always display both dots at even seconds
  setupTime.Day = 4;                                                                        // not really neccessary as day/month aren't used but who cares ^^
  setupTime.Month = 4;                                                                      // see above
  setupTime.Year = 2020 - 1970;                                                             // yes... .Year is set by the difference since 1970. So "49" is what we want.
  byte setting = 1;                                                                         // counter to keep track of what's currently adjusted: 1 = hours, 2 = minutes
  byte blinkStep = 0;
  int blinkInterval = 500;
  unsigned long lastBlink = millis();
  while ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 || digitalRead(buttonB) == 0 ) delay(20);               // this will keep the display blank while any of the keys is still pressed
  while ( setting <= 2 ) {                                                                  // 2 - only setup HH:MM
    if ( lastKeyPressed == 1 ) setting += 1;                                                // one button will accept the current setting and proceed to the next one...
    if ( lastKeyPressed == 2 )                                                              // while the other button increases the current value
      if ( setting == 1 )                                                                   // if setting = 1 ...
        if ( setupTime.Hour < 23 ) setupTime.Hour += 1; else setupTime.Hour = 0;            // ...increase hour when buttonB is pressed
      else if ( setting == 2 )                                                              // else if setting = 2...
        if (setupTime.Minute < 59) setupTime.Minute += 1; else setupTime.Minute = 0;        // ...increase minute when buttonB is pressed
    if ( millis() - lastBlink >= blinkInterval ) {                                          // pretty sure there is a much easier and nicer way...
      if ( blinkStep == 0 ) { brightness = brightnessLevels[2]; blinkStep = 1; }            // get the switch between min and max brightness (boolean?)
        else { brightness = brightnessLevels[0]; blinkStep = 0; }                           
      lastBlink = millis();
    if ( setting == 1 ) {
      displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 63, 0);
      for (byte posY = 0; posY <= 5; posY++) {
        for (byte posX = 0; posX < RESX; posX++) if ( checkPixel(posX, posY) ) setPixel(posX, posY, 1);
      if ( displayMode == 0 ) {
        setPixel(0, 10, 160);
        if ( !isAM(makeTime(setupTime)) ) setPixel(0, 6, 160);
    } else if ( setting == 2 ) {
      displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 95, 0);
      for (byte posY = 0; posY <= 5; posY++) {
        for (byte posX = 0; posX < RESX; posX++) if ( checkPixel(posX, posY) ) setPixel(posX, posY, 63);
      if ( displayMode == 0 ) {
        setPixel(0, 10, 160);
        if ( !isAM(makeTime(setupTime)) ) setPixel(0, 6, 160);
    lastKeyPressed = readButtons();
    if ( dbg ) dbgInput();
  #ifdef nodeMCU                                                                              // if building for nodeMCU...
    #ifndef useWiFi                                                                           // ...without WiFi...
      Rtc.SetDateTime(makeTime(setupTime));                                                   // ...write setupTime to the rtc
  #else                                                                                       // if building for Arduino...
    RTC.write(setupTime);                                                                     // write setupTime to RTC
  FastLED.clear(); displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 95, 0);;
  brightness = prevBrightness;
  delay(500);                                                                                 // short delay followed by fading all leds to black
  for ( byte i = 0; i < 255; i++ ) {
    for ( byte x = 0; x < LED_COUNT; x++ ) leds[x]--;; delay(2);
  if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Setup done..."));

// stuff below will only be used when compiled for nodeMCU _AND_ using WiFi

#ifdef useWiFi
  void syncNTP() {                                                                            // gets time from ntp and sets internal time accordingly, will return when no connection is established
    if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Entering syncNTP()..."));
    if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
      if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("No active WiFi connection!"));
    }                                                                                         // Sometimes the connection doesn't work right away although status is WL_CONNECTED...
    delay(1500);                                                                              // we'll wait a moment before causing network traffic
    if ( dbg ) {
      Serial.print(F("nodemcu time: ")); Serial.println(now());
      Serial.print(F("ntp time    : ")); Serial.println(timeClient.getEpochTime());
      Serial.println(F("syncNTP() done..."));
  void initWPS() {                                                                            // join network using wps. Will try for 5 times before exiting...
    byte i = 1;
    if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Initializing WPS setup..."));
    while ( i <= 5 ) {
      showDigit(10, 2, 10, 64);
      showDigit(11, 6, 10, 64);
      showDigit(12, 2, 4, 64);
      showDigit(i, 6, 4, 0);;
      if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Waiting for WiFi/WPS..."));
      if ( WiFi.SSID().length() <= 0 ) i++; else i = 6;
    if ( WiFi.SSID().length() > 0 ) {                                                         // after getting the ssid we'll wait a few seconds and show a counter to make...
      showDigit(13, 2, 10, 3);  showDigit(13, 6, 10, 2);                                      // ...sure there's some time passing for dhcp/getting wifi settings
      showDigit(14, 2, 4, 1);  showDigit(15, 6, 4, 0);
      ESP.wdtFeed();; delay(2000); FastLED.clear();
      if ( dbg ) {
        Serial.print(F("Connected to SSID: ")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());
        Serial.println(F("New WiFi connection, calling syncNTP..."));
      for ( i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
        showDigit(i, 4, 7, 0);; delay(1000); FastLED.clear();
    } else {
      if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("No connection established.")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); }
````Preformatted text`

Do both these lines refer to the same object?
RTC and Rtc are not the same thing - it's case-sensitive.

What device are you running this code on? To avoid confusion, I would simplify the example code you are posting to just the platform you are running on.

The example is written for the earlier versions of DS3232.h which don't require the explicit constructor.

For the latest version, you will need

#else                                             // on Arduino we'll be using wire/DS3232RTC as in previous versions
  #include <Wire.h>
  #include <DS3232RTC.h>
 //add explicit constructor here
  DS3232RTC RTC;  

Yea I think it does mean the same thing.

I am using a Arduino Pro Mini. So add the code you posted and just replace that line in my code.

I think if you just add the line with the explicit constructor when you #include the library, the code will compile for a pro Mini. If not, post the errors you get.

'RTC' doesn't exist in your code, what happens if you change it to 'Rtc'?

If I change it to Rtc it gives me the same problem.

How can I do that? I don't know much about coding.

What did you mean by this? Post the code that is your best effort to add DS3232RTC RTC; right after #include DS3232.h.