#ifdef nodeMCU
#define FASTLED_ESP8266_RAW_PIN_ORDER // this means we'll be using the raw esp8266 pin order -> GPIO_12, which is d6 on nodeMCU
#define LED_PIN 12 // led data in connected to GPIO_12 (d6/nodeMCU)
#define LED_PIN 6 // led data in connected to d6 (arduino)
#define RESX 7 // 7 columns
#define RESY 11 // 11 rows
#define DIGITX 3 // width of digits (3 pixels)
#define DIGITY 5 // height of digits (5 pixels)
#define LED_COUNT (RESX * RESY) + 6 // total number of leds (77 + 6 unused leds)
#define LED_PWR_LIMIT 500 // 500mA - Power limit in mA (voltage is set in setup() to 5v)
#include <FastLED.h>
#include <TimeLib.h>
#include <EEPROM.h>
#ifdef nodeMCU
#ifdef useWiFi // include wifi library when set to use it, otherwise just load wire/rtc libs for nodeMCU
#include <ESP8266WiFi.h>
#include <NTPClient.h>
#include <WiFiUdp.h>
#define timeOffset 120 // time offset to utc in minutes, 120 minutes -> CEST
NTPClient timeClient(ntpUDP, "europe.pool.ntp.org", timeOffset * 60, 60000);
#include <Wire.h>
#include <RtcDS3231.h>
RtcDS3231<TwoWire> Rtc(Wire); // Define the Rtc object
#else // on Arduino we'll be using wire/DS3232RTC as in previous versions
#include <Wire.h>
#include <DS3232RTC.h>
CRGBPalette16 currentPalette;
const bool dbg = true; // debug, true = enable serial input/output
#ifdef nodeMCU
int buttonA = 13; // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d7 / GPIO_13
int buttonB = 14; // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d5 / GPIO_14
int buttonA = 3; // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d3
int buttonB = 4; // momentary push button, 1 pin to gnd, 1 pin to d4
byte brightness = 100; // default brightness if none saved to eeprom yet / first run
byte brightnessLevels[3] {100, 150, 230}; // 0 - 255, brightness Levels (min, med, max) - index (0-2) will get stored to eeprom
// Note: With brightnessAuto = 1 this will be the maximum brightness setting used!
byte brightnessAuto = 0; // 1 = enable brightness corrections using a photo resistor/readLDR();
byte upperLimitLDR = 140; // everything above this value will cause max brightness to be used (if it's higher than this)
byte lowerLimitLDR = 20; // everything below this value will cause minBrightness to be used
byte minBrightness = 20; // anything below this avgLDR value will be ignored
float factorLDR = 1.0; // try 0.5 - 2.0, compensation value for avgLDR. Set dbgLDR & dbg to true and watch serial console. Looking...
const bool dbgLDR = false; // ...for values in the range of 120-160 (medium room light), 40-80 (low light) and 0 - 20 in the dark
#ifdef nodeMCU
int pinLDR = 0; // LDR connected to A0 (nodeMCU only offers this one)
int pinLDR = 1; // LDR connected to A1 (in case somebody flashes this sketch on arduino and already has an ldr connected to A1)
byte intervalLDR = 60; // read value from LDR every 60ms (most LDRs have a minimum of about 30ms - 50ms)
unsigned long valueLDRLastRead = 0; // time when we did the last readout
int avgLDR = 0; // we will average this value somehow somewhere in readLDR();
int lastAvgLDR = 0;
bool enableDot = true; // enable/disable blinking dot (true/false)
byte startColor = 0; // "index" for the palette color used for drawing
byte displayMode = 0; // 0 = 12h, 1 = 24h (will be saved to EEPROM once set using buttons)
byte colorOffset = 32; // default distance between colors on the color palette used between digits/leds (in overlayMode)
int colorChangeInterval = 1500; // interval (ms) to change colors when not in overlayMode (per pixel/led coloring uses overlayInterval)
byte overlayMode = 0; // switch on/off (1/0) to use void colorOverlay(); (will be saved to EEPROM once set using buttons)
int overlayInterval = 200; // interval (ms) to change colors in overlayMode
byte btnRepeatCounter = 1;
byte lastKeyPressed = 0;
unsigned long btnRepeatStart = 0;
byte lastSecond = 0;
unsigned long lastLoop = 0;
unsigned long lastColorChange = 0;
/* these values will be stored to the EEPROM:
0 = index for selectedPalette / switchPalette();
1 = index for brightnessLevels / switchBrightness();
2 = displayMode, 12h/24h (when set using the buttons)
3 = overlayMode, per digit/per line color (when set using the buttons)
// let's define 0-9 to be displayed in a 3x5 grid (digitX & digitY)
// we'll start with 0 because that way our index to the array will correspond to the digit (0 = 0, 1 = 1...)
byte digits[16][DIGITX * DIGITY] = {
{ 1, 1, 1,
1, 0, 1,
1, 0, 1,
1, 0, 1,
1, 1, 1 }, // 0
{ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 1
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1 }, // 2
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 3
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 4
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 5
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 6
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1 }, // 7
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 8
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // 9
{ 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0 }, // t - some letters from here on (index 10, so won't interfere with digits 0-9)
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 }, // r
{ 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // y
{ 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 }, // s
{ 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1 }, // i
{ 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1 } // d
void setup() {
if (brightnessAuto == 1) pinMode(pinLDR, OUTPUT);
pinMode(buttonA, INPUT_PULLUP);
pinMode(buttonB, INPUT_PULLUP);
if (dbg) {
Serial.begin(74880); Serial.println();
Serial.println(F("Lazy Grid Clock v2 starting up..."));
Serial.print(F("Configured for: ")); Serial.print(LED_COUNT); Serial.println(F(" leds"));
Serial.print(F("Power limited to (mA): ")); Serial.print(LED_PWR_LIMIT); Serial.println(F(" mA")); Serial.println();
FastLED.addLeds<WS2812B, LED_PIN, GRB>(leds, LED_COUNT).setCorrection(TypicalSMD5050).setTemperature(DirectSunlight).setDither(1);
FastLED.setMaxPowerInVoltsAndMilliamps(5, LED_PWR_LIMIT);
#ifdef nodeMCU
#ifdef nodeMCU // if building for nodeMCU...
#ifdef useWiFi // ...and if using WiFi.....
if ( dbg ) {
Serial.println(F("Starting up WiFi..."));
byte i = 30;
WiFi.mode(WIFI_STA); // set WiFi mode to STA...
WiFi.begin(WiFi.SSID().c_str(),WiFi.psk().c_str()); // ...and start connecting using saved credentials...
while ( i > 0 ) { // check for roughly 10 seconds (i = 30 * 333ms) and show a
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) i--; else i = 0; // countdown while waiting for WL_CONNECTED status
showDigit(i / 3, 4, 7, startColor);
if ( WiFi.status() == WL_CONNECTED ) { // if status is connected, initialize timeClient and sync to ntp
if ( dbg ) {
if ( WiFi.status() != 0 ) {
Serial.print(F("Connected to SSID: ")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());
} else Serial.println(F("WiFi connection failed."));
#else // using nodeMCU but no WiFi, so do everything required for the RTC
#else // building for Arduino, so do everything as in previous sketches...
void loop() {
if ( ( lastLoop - lastColorChange >= colorChangeInterval ) && ( overlayMode == 0 ) // if colorChangeInterval has been reached and overlayMode is disabled...
|| ( lastLoop - lastColorChange >= overlayInterval ) && ( overlayMode == 1 ) ) { // ...or if overlayInterval has been reached and overlayMode is enabled...
startColor++; // increase startColor to "move" colors slowly across the digits/leds
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
lastColorChange = millis();
if ( lastSecond != second() ) { // if current second is different from last second drawn...
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset); // lastSecond will be set in displayTime() and will be used for
lastSecond = second(); // redrawing regardless the digits count (HH:MM or HH:MM:SS)
if ( lastKeyPressed == 1 ) { // if buttonA is pressed...
switchBrightness(); // ...switch to next brightness level
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
if ( btnRepeatCounter >= 20 ) { // if buttonA is held for a few seconds change overlayMode 0/1 (using colorOverlay())
if ( overlayMode == 0 ) overlayMode = 1; else overlayMode = 0;
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
EEPROM.put(3, overlayMode); // ...and write setting to eeprom
#ifdef nodeMCU // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
btnRepeatStart = millis();
if ( lastKeyPressed == 2 ) { // if buttonB is pressed...
switchPalette(); // ...switch between color palettes
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
if ( btnRepeatCounter >= 20 ) { // if buttonB is held for a few seconds change displayMode 0/1 (12h/24h)...
if ( displayMode == 0 ) displayMode = 1; else displayMode = 0;
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
EEPROM.put(2, displayMode); // ...and write setting to eeprom
#ifdef nodeMCU
btnRepeatStart = millis();
if ( ( lastLoop - valueLDRLastRead >= intervalLDR ) && ( brightnessAuto == 1 ) ) { // if LDR is enabled and sample interval has been reached...
readLDR(); // ...call readLDR();
if ( abs(avgLDR - lastAvgLDR) >= 5 ) { // only adjust current brightness if avgLDR has changed for more than +/- 5.
updateDisplay(startColor, colorOffset);
lastAvgLDR = avgLDR;
if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("Updated display with avgLDR of: ")); Serial.println(avgLDR); }
valueLDRLastRead = millis();
if ( lastKeyPressed == 12 ) { // if buttonA + buttonB are pushed at the same time....
#ifdef useWiFi // ...and if using WiFi...
initWPS(); // ...start WPS
#else // otherwise (arduino + rtc or nodemcu + rtc)...
setupClock(); // ...start manual setup
#ifdef nodeMCU // On Arduino SetSyncProvider will be used. So this will sync internal time to rtc/ntp on nodeMCU only
if ( ( hour() == 3 || hour() == 9 || hour() == 15 || hour() == 21 ) && // if hour is 3, 9, 15 or 21 and...
( minute() == 3 && second() == 0 ) ) { // minute is 3 and second is 0....
if ( dbg ) Serial.print(F("Current time: ")); Serial.println(now());
#ifdef useWiFi
syncNTP(); // ...either sync using ntp or...
setTime(Rtc.GetDateTime()); // ...set internal time to rtc time...
if ( dbg ) Serial.print(F("New time: ")); Serial.println(now());
ESP.wdtFeed(); // feed the watchdog each time loop() is cycled through, just in case...
FastLED.show(); // run FastLED.show() every time to avoid color flickering at low brightness settings
lastKeyPressed = readButtons();
lastLoop = millis();
if ( dbg ) dbgInput(); // if dbg = true this will read serial input/keys // if dbg = true this will read serial input/keys
void readLDR() { // read LDR value 5 times and write average to avgLDR for use in updateDisplay();
static byte runCounter = 1;
static int tmp = 0;
byte readOut = map(analogRead(pinLDR), 0, 1023, 0, 250);
tmp += readOut;
if (runCounter == 5) {
avgLDR = (tmp / 5) * factorLDR;
tmp = 0; runCounter = 0;
if ( dbg && dbgLDR ) { Serial.print(F("avgLDR value: ")); Serial.print(avgLDR); }
avgLDR = max(avgLDR, int(minBrightness)); avgLDR = min(avgLDR, int(brightness)); // this keeps avgLDR in a range between minBrightness and maximum current brightness
if ( avgLDR >= upperLimitLDR && avgLDR < brightness ) avgLDR = brightness; // if avgLDR is above upperLimitLDR switch to max current brightness
if ( avgLDR <= lowerLimitLDR ) avgLDR = minBrightness; // if avgLDR is below lowerLimitLDR switch to minBrightness
if ( dbg && dbgLDR ) { Serial.print(F(" - adjusted to: ")); Serial.println(avgLDR); }
void colorOverlay() { // example of how to "project" colors on already drawn time/pixels before showing leds in updateDisplay();
for (byte y = 0; y < RESY; y++) { // Check each row...
for (byte x = 0; x < RESX; x++) { // ...and each column...
if (checkPixel(x, y)) setPixel(x, y, startColor + y * 12); // and if current pixel is lit, draw it again in another color.
void updateDisplay(byte color, byte colorSpacing) { // this is what redraws the "screen"
FastLED.clear(); // clear whatever the leds might have assigned currently...
displayTime(now(), color, colorSpacing); // ...set leds to display the time...
if (overlayMode == 1) colorOverlay(); // ...and if using overlayMode = 1 draw custom colors over single leds
if (brightnessAuto == 1) { // If brightness is adjusted automatically by using readLDR()...
FastLED.setBrightness(avgLDR); // ...set brightness to avgLDR
} else { // ...otherwise...
FastLED.setBrightness(brightness); // ...assign currently selected brightness
byte readButtons() {
byte activeButton = 0;
byte retVal = 0;
static int btnRepeatDelay = 150;
static unsigned long lastButtonPress = 0;
if ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 || digitalRead(buttonB) == 0) {
if (digitalRead(buttonA) == 0) activeButton = 1;
else if (digitalRead(buttonB) == 0) activeButton = 2;
if ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 && digitalRead(buttonB) == 0 ) activeButton = 12;
if (millis() - lastButtonPress >= btnRepeatDelay) {
btnRepeatStart = millis();
btnRepeatCounter = 0;
retVal = activeButton;
} else if (millis() - btnRepeatStart >= btnRepeatDelay * (btnRepeatCounter + 1) ) {
if (btnRepeatCounter > 5) retVal = activeButton;
lastButtonPress = millis();
return retVal;
void displayTime(time_t t, byte color, byte colorSpacing) {
if (displayMode == 0) {
if (hourFormat12(t) >= 10) showDigit(1, 2, 10, color + colorSpacing * 2);
showDigit((hourFormat12(t) % 10), 6, 10, color + colorSpacing * 3);
} else if (displayMode == 1) {
if ( hour(t) > 9) showDigit(hour(t) / 10, 2, 10, color + colorSpacing * 2); // don't show leading 0 in 24h mode from 0:00 - 09:59
showDigit(hour(t) % 10, 6, 10, color + colorSpacing * 3);
showDigit((minute(t) / 10), 2, 4, color + colorSpacing * 4);
showDigit((minute(t) % 10), 6, 4, color + colorSpacing * 5);
if ( enableDot )
if (second(t) % 2 == 0) setPixel(3, 5, 96 + second(t) * 4.25); // show : between hours and minutes on even seconds
lastSecond = second(t);
void showDigit(byte digit, byte x, byte y, byte color) { // show digit (0-9) with upper right corner at position x/y
for (byte i = 0; i < (DIGITX * DIGITY); i++) {
if (digits[digit][i] == 1) setPixel(x + (i - ((i / DIGITX) * DIGITX)) - 2, y - (i / DIGITX), color);
void setPixel(byte x, byte y, byte color) { // this translates the continuous (0 - LED_COUNT) adressing of the leds to x/y coordinates (0/0 at lower left corner (front), datain)
byte pixel = 0;
if (x < RESX && y < RESY) {
if ((x % 2) == 0) pixel = x + (x * RESY) + y;
else pixel = ((x + 1) * RESY) - y + x;
leds[pixel] = ColorFromPalette(currentPalette, color, brightness, LINEARBLEND);
bool checkPixel(byte x, byte y) { // returns true if a led at position x/y is lit
byte pixel = 0;
if (x < RESX && y < RESY) {
if ((x % 2) == 0) pixel = x + (x * RESY) + y;
else pixel = ((x + 1) * RESY) - y + x;
if (leds[pixel]) return true; else return false;
void dbgInput() {
if ( dbg ) {
if ( Serial.available() > 0 ) {
byte incomingByte = 0;
incomingByte = Serial.read();
if ( incomingByte == 44 ) if ( overlayMode == 0 ) overlayMode = 1; else overlayMode = 0; // ,
if ( incomingByte == 48 ) if ( displayMode == 0 ) displayMode = 1; else displayMode = 0; // 0
if ( incomingByte == 49 ) FastLED.setTemperature(OvercastSky); // 1
if ( incomingByte == 50 ) FastLED.setTemperature(DirectSunlight); // 2
if ( incomingByte == 51 ) FastLED.setTemperature(Halogen); // 3
if ( incomingByte == 52 ) overlayInterval = 30; // 4
if ( incomingByte == 53 ) colorChangeInterval = 10; // 5
if ( incomingByte == 54 ) { overlayInterval = 200; colorChangeInterval = 1500; } // 6
if ( incomingByte == 55 ) lastKeyPressed = 1; // 7
if ( incomingByte == 56 ) lastKeyPressed = 2; // 8
if ( incomingByte == 57 ) lastKeyPressed = 12; // 9
if ( incomingByte == 43 ) colorOffset += 16; // +
if ( incomingByte == 45 ) colorOffset -= 16; // -
Serial.print(F("Input - ASCII: ")); Serial.println(incomingByte, DEC); Serial.println();
void loadValuesFromEEPROM() {
byte tmp = EEPROM.read(2);
if ( tmp <= 1 ) displayMode = tmp; else displayMode = 0; // if no values have been stored to eeprom at position 2/3 then a read will give us something unusable...
tmp = EEPROM.read(3); // ...so we'll only take the value from eeprom if it's smaller than 1
if ( tmp <= 1 ) overlayMode = tmp; else overlayMode = 0; // (for colorMode/displayMode which can only bei 0/1)
void switchPalette() { // Simply add palettes, make sure paletteCount increases accordingly
byte paletteCount = 7; // A few examples of gradients/solid colors by using RGB values or HTML Color Codes
byte tmp = EEPROM.read(0);
if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchPalette() EEPROM value: ")); Serial.println(tmp); }
if ( tmp > paletteCount - 1 ) tmp = 0; else tmp = tmp; // If value hasn't been written yet eeprom.read might return something > paletteCount, in that case set tmp = 0
static byte selectedPalette = tmp;
switch ( selectedPalette ) {
case 0: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB( 224, 0, 32 ),
CRGB( 0, 0, 244 ),
CRGB( 128, 0, 128 ),
CRGB( 224, 0, 64 ) ); break;
case 1: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB( 224, 16, 0 ),
CRGB( 192, 64, 0 ),
CRGB( 128, 128, 0 ),
CRGB( 224, 32, 0 ) ); break;
case 2: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::Aquamarine,
CRGB::DeepSkyBlue ); break;
case 3: currentPalette = RainbowColors_p; break;
case 4: currentPalette = PartyColors_p; break;
case 5: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::White ); break;
case 6: currentPalette = CRGBPalette16( CRGB::LawnGreen ); break;
EEPROM.put(0, selectedPalette);
#ifdef nodeMCU // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
if (dbg) { Serial.print(F("switchPalette() EEPROM write: ")); Serial.println(selectedPalette); Serial.println(); }
if (selectedPalette < paletteCount - 1) selectedPalette++; else selectedPalette = 0;
void switchBrightness() {
byte tmp = EEPROM.read(1);
if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchBrightness() EEPROM value: ")); Serial.println(tmp); }
if ( tmp > 2 ) tmp = 0; // If value hasn't been written yet eeprom.read might return something > brightnessLevels (0-2), in that case set tmp = 0
static byte selectedBrightness = tmp;
switch ( selectedBrightness ) {
case 0: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
case 1: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
case 2: brightness = brightnessLevels[selectedBrightness]; break;
EEPROM.put(1, selectedBrightness);
#ifdef nodeMCU // on nodeMCU we need to commit the changes from ram to flash to make them permanent
if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("switchBrightness() EEPROM write: ")); Serial.println(selectedBrightness); Serial.println(); }
if ( selectedBrightness < 2 ) selectedBrightness++; else selectedBrightness = 0;
DEFINE_GRADIENT_PALETTE (setupColors_gp) { // this color palette will only be used while in setup
1, 255, 0, 0, // unset values = red, current value = yellow, set values = green
63, 255, 255, 0,
95, 0, 255, 0,
191, 0, 255, 255,
255, 0, 0, 255
void setupClock() {
// finally not using a custom displayTime routine for setup, improvising a bit and using the setupColor-Palette defined on top of the sketch
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Entering setup mode..."));
byte prevBrightness = brightness; // store current brightness and switch back after setup
brightness = brightnessLevels[1]; // select medium brightness level
currentPalette = setupColors_gp; // use setupColors_gp palette while in setup
tmElements_t setupTime; // Create a time element which will be used. Using the current time would
setupTime.Hour = 12; // give some problems (like time still running while setting hours/minutes)
setupTime.Minute = 0; // Setup starts at 12 (12 pm)
setupTime.Second = 1; // 1 because displayTime() will always display both dots at even seconds
setupTime.Day = 4; // not really neccessary as day/month aren't used but who cares ^^
setupTime.Month = 4; // see above
setupTime.Year = 2020 - 1970; // yes... .Year is set by the difference since 1970. So "49" is what we want.
byte setting = 1; // counter to keep track of what's currently adjusted: 1 = hours, 2 = minutes
byte blinkStep = 0;
int blinkInterval = 500;
unsigned long lastBlink = millis();
while ( digitalRead(buttonA) == 0 || digitalRead(buttonB) == 0 ) delay(20); // this will keep the display blank while any of the keys is still pressed
while ( setting <= 2 ) { // 2 - only setup HH:MM
if ( lastKeyPressed == 1 ) setting += 1; // one button will accept the current setting and proceed to the next one...
if ( lastKeyPressed == 2 ) // while the other button increases the current value
if ( setting == 1 ) // if setting = 1 ...
if ( setupTime.Hour < 23 ) setupTime.Hour += 1; else setupTime.Hour = 0; // ...increase hour when buttonB is pressed
else if ( setting == 2 ) // else if setting = 2...
if (setupTime.Minute < 59) setupTime.Minute += 1; else setupTime.Minute = 0; // ...increase minute when buttonB is pressed
if ( millis() - lastBlink >= blinkInterval ) { // pretty sure there is a much easier and nicer way...
if ( blinkStep == 0 ) { brightness = brightnessLevels[2]; blinkStep = 1; } // ...to get the switch between min and max brightness (boolean?)
else { brightness = brightnessLevels[0]; blinkStep = 0; }
lastBlink = millis();
if ( setting == 1 ) {
displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 63, 0);
for (byte posY = 0; posY <= 5; posY++) {
for (byte posX = 0; posX < RESX; posX++) if ( checkPixel(posX, posY) ) setPixel(posX, posY, 1);
if ( displayMode == 0 ) {
setPixel(0, 10, 160);
if ( !isAM(makeTime(setupTime)) ) setPixel(0, 6, 160);
} else if ( setting == 2 ) {
displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 95, 0);
for (byte posY = 0; posY <= 5; posY++) {
for (byte posX = 0; posX < RESX; posX++) if ( checkPixel(posX, posY) ) setPixel(posX, posY, 63);
if ( displayMode == 0 ) {
setPixel(0, 10, 160);
if ( !isAM(makeTime(setupTime)) ) setPixel(0, 6, 160);
lastKeyPressed = readButtons();
if ( dbg ) dbgInput();
#ifdef nodeMCU // if building for nodeMCU...
#ifndef useWiFi // ...without WiFi...
Rtc.SetDateTime(makeTime(setupTime)); // ...write setupTime to the rtc
#else // if building for Arduino...
RTC.write(setupTime); // write setupTime to RTC
FastLED.clear(); displayTime(makeTime(setupTime), 95, 0); FastLED.show();
brightness = prevBrightness;
delay(500); // short delay followed by fading all leds to black
for ( byte i = 0; i < 255; i++ ) {
for ( byte x = 0; x < LED_COUNT; x++ ) leds[x]--;
FastLED.show(); delay(2);
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Setup done..."));
// stuff below will only be used when compiled for nodeMCU _AND_ using WiFi
#ifdef useWiFi
void syncNTP() { // gets time from ntp and sets internal time accordingly, will return when no connection is established
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Entering syncNTP()..."));
if ( WiFi.status() != WL_CONNECTED ) {
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("No active WiFi connection!"));
} // Sometimes the connection doesn't work right away although status is WL_CONNECTED...
delay(1500); // ...so we'll wait a moment before causing network traffic
if ( dbg ) {
Serial.print(F("nodemcu time: ")); Serial.println(now());
Serial.print(F("ntp time : ")); Serial.println(timeClient.getEpochTime());
Serial.println(F("syncNTP() done..."));
void initWPS() { // join network using wps. Will try for 5 times before exiting...
byte i = 1;
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Initializing WPS setup..."));
while ( i <= 5 ) {
showDigit(10, 2, 10, 64);
showDigit(11, 6, 10, 64);
showDigit(12, 2, 4, 64);
showDigit(i, 6, 4, 0);
if ( dbg ) Serial.println(F("Waiting for WiFi/WPS..."));
if ( WiFi.SSID().length() <= 0 ) i++; else i = 6;
if ( WiFi.SSID().length() > 0 ) { // after getting the ssid we'll wait a few seconds and show a counter to make...
showDigit(13, 2, 10, 3); showDigit(13, 6, 10, 2); // ...sure there's some time passing for dhcp/getting wifi settings
showDigit(14, 2, 4, 1); showDigit(15, 6, 4, 0);
FastLED.show(); delay(2000); FastLED.clear();
if ( dbg ) {
Serial.print(F("Connected to SSID: ")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID());
Serial.println(F("New WiFi connection, calling syncNTP..."));
for ( i = 5; i > 0; i--) {
showDigit(i, 4, 7, 0); FastLED.show(); delay(1000); FastLED.clear();
} else {
if ( dbg ) { Serial.print(F("No connection established.")); Serial.println(WiFi.SSID()); }
````Preformatted text`