Arduino: Read ir receiver without library

Hi. I try to control RGB led strip with arduino thru Remote control. So I use Tlc5940 for 15 PWM chanel but I want use also ir remote. But I got problem Tlc5940 library and Ir remote library probably share one pin on the same time and wont work together. So I try read IR without library but I cant explain how to do. So if somebody try that please help me.

IR library

Using, or not using, a library doesn't fundamentally alter the fact that interrupts are needed to capture the data coming in.

The IR library can use any pin (that supports pin change interrupts), so there should not be a pin conflict with the TLC library.

You need to post some code, though, and explain just what the problem is - not what it might be.

Ok but I can choose pin to receive data but I cant choose pin to transmit data and this is the problem

As I read it, the IR library needs to use pin 3. I don't see that that is the case for the TLC library.

It (appears to) use SPI, which doesn't involve pin 3 at all. Or, are you using bit-banging? If so, why are you bit-banging on pin 3?

Well, i,ve had the same problem in my wordclock project. I've used the TLC5940 as LED-Driver too and TSOP4138 as IR Receiver.
That's work fine when i use the TLC and IR Libraries separately, but they did not work probably together.
The reason: Both Lib's are using the Timer 1 and/or Timer 2 of the ATMega for timing. Workaround: Use the IR-Code from Adafruit instead of the IRRemote Library. Put that code into a Interrupt routine and use Input Pins INT0 or INT1 for TSOP4138 (or whatever) That work's without Timers and you can use the TLC-Lib...
Hope, that helps...

Greets Joshi