Arduino reading analog signal from Audio Jack

I have been researching on how can I connect a 3.5mm Audio Jack to the analog pins of an Arduino and read its data. I find it confusing that there are so many ways to do this and I haven't really saw a consistent idea with regards to this project, all of them have different schematics and different approach. What is the best way to do this?

For context, I am trying to make an Arduino reactive LED, and I don't wanna use Sound Sensor cause they also hears the noise of the environment.

A capacitor and voltage divider is very commonly used. Schematic below for a 5V Arduino (connect top of divider to 3.3V for a 3.3V Arduino).

C is not critical and may range from 0.1 uF to 10 uF.

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Thank you! but I find this schematic a bit limited, usually 3.5mm jack has 3 wires (Tip, Sleeve, Ring) what should be the best approach when I have this type of audio jack?

Tip - sleeve - ring is for stereo.

use @jremington circuit * 2, one for each channel.

I'm starting to understand, does this schematic suffice?

yes thats fine.

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