Arduino stimulation

Hello people I’ve never used a forum so bare with me please. I have been on YouTube and turned to the conclusion that I’m completely lost. For some reason an old software thing called something like druid4ardu stim has been deleted off the face of the earth. I have bought a second arduino to attempt to use it as an ardustim as someone on YouTube did it easily. However the method they used was with something called Druid4ardu or something like that and that doesn’t exist anymore so now im left with nothing but confusion. I tried to download Serial ui 1.14.0 and ardustim 0.0.4, I tried following the steps from this YouTube video which I have linked below and all I have gotten is failure and complete confusion.

I have no clue how to understand any of the things on speeduino to tell me how im meant to use any of this software. Guy on YouTube is different language to me and it’s the only video remotely useful I could find that is uploaded since this bizzare disappearance of this Druid4ardu thing.

My last hope is sending this to as many forums as I can because I find it hard to believe that this can be so difficult.

Please help me guys.

Welcome to the forum

Your topic was MOVED to its current forum category which is more appropriate than the original as it has nothing to do with Installation and Troubleshooting of the IDE

Watching videos is not popular among helpers. Those videos might be good but there's a lot of crap too. Helpers use their free time without compensation.
What You can do is extracting important information and post it here.

Take a look at the wish list from helpers: How to get the best out of this forum - Using Arduino / Project Guidance - Arduino Forum

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Please explain. Did it disappear from your computer or did it disappear from the web?

We can unfortunately not work with something like". I googled a bit and found druid4arduino (search results: druid4ardu - Google Search). Is that what you were looking for?

So am I :wink: Can you please describe how you are lost exactly.Do you have a working setup but want to make a copy of it? Or you're starting a new project and have a need for druid4ardu? Or something else? Try to ignore that you're lost and try to give the details that are needed. Also please provide links to software that you did download so we can see what it's about.

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