arduino throught USB Hub


I am using a USB Hub to connect 4 arduinos to my computer. The main reason is that I do not have 4 USB ports in all the computers I use, but also because I am receiving midi signals from the arduinos in my computer.

The last months I have been struggling when uploading sketch to the boards. Arduino Ide was frozen when uploading, or giving me AVR dude errors, and several other things.

I have now disconnected the hub and connected all my boards to a computer with 5 usb connectors, and all the sketches went up very easily. So the question is, is it possible that the USB Hub was interfiering with the uploading sketch process?

Maybe. Was it a powered hub? 4 Arduinos can easily draw more current than the single USB on your computer can provide. If you're plugging in that many then you really should have a hub which has a separate power supply.

indeed it is a powered usb-hub. so that is not the problem

I tried it now with a non powered hub and works much better, but still much less often I have some little problems