Arduino to Type A Female Female USB

Can anyone recommend a board that I can plug into the Arduino to give me a type A output USB. I need a female USB to pug in an LED light, powered from the Arduino. I'm only needing it as a power source. SparkFun USB Type A Female Breakout - BOB-12700 - SparkFun Electronics
This hookup guide shows I will have to add resistors.
USB Type A Female Breakout Hookup Guide - SparkFun Learn
Is there something basic, which I can just plug in?

That sounds like a very expensive 5V regulator. Just buy a phone charger instead.

There is nothing magic about the power wires in a USB cable. You can cut the connectors you need off existing cables and connect red to red and black to black.

Why not use a phone charging USB power pack? I do it in two applications and it suits me perfectly.

I'm configuring a little box, using Arduino and the TC4 shield. Since that box will be next to the coffee roaster, that's why I wanted to just plug in the LED, to get powered by the Arduino.
Here's the LED I received.