Hi guys.
Im already have my arduino uno working with usr-tcp232-t2.
There are somethings I can not figure out.
1 _ Documentation mention that is it possible to get module mac address but there is not any example.
2 _ Im trying to retrieve html from the arduino so Im using module as tcp server.
Everything works ok but module does not release connection so my browser keeps loading waiting for data.
So ...
Is it possible to force module to finish tcp connection somehow? AT command perhaps?
Thats it.
Any idea would be wellcome.
Im already have my arduino uno working with usr-tcp232-t2.
I'm missing a link to that device.
1 _ Documentation mention that is it possible to get module mac address but there is not any example.
Documentation? I cannot find any hint to a documentation in your post!
2 _ Im trying to retrieve html from the arduino so Im using module as tcp server.
Everything works ok but module does not release connection so my browser keeps loading waiting for data.
Sounds like an error in the code but you failed to post your code.
Did you actually read the sticky post at the top of the forum named "How to use this forum"?