Arduino Uno Mini pad dimensions and spacings

Hello there,
I have my Uno Mini with me and I was wondering what are the dimensions of the pads and pin holes because I know already that the pitch is 1.27mm but I am kind of confused on the pad sizes.

FYI I am making a PCB and on the PCB design, you have to plug the Uno Mini into the PCB so it acts like the brain of the system.



The pads should be included in the libraries for the device. If you are looking at through hole generally a standard IC socket with the correct number of pins will work or you can get strips that will work.

I got the dimensions from the online 3D PCB viewer that Arduino has on that board and I was wondering is 0.1mm spacing between pads ok for connections/soldering because I think that is quite small. A picture of the dimensions are below:

(the settings I have on KiCad are below:
hole size: 0.6mm
pad size: 0.2mm

That is the correct value. You can always print it to scale and check if it matches. My file shows 0.1 in (2.54 mm) pin spacing, rows will vary depending on the IC width.

Ok thanks!


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