Arduino UNO R4 DAC Implementation

Hi Team,

I am planning to use the DAC of arduino UNO R4. The output of DAC is unipolar. But i required bipolar output. The bipolar voltage range is +/-15V. Can you please guide me on this. And let me know what is the analog output voltage range of DAC.


Take a look at and check how analogRead(A5) is read.

I am not getting the analog voltage range of DAC pin from that document. Can you please mention that.

The DAC output will be from zero to Vcc ( unsure if this is 3.3 or 5v - have a look at the chip spec ).
To get +-15v from this you will need an amplifier and be able to offset the input by Vcc/2 .
You will need an op amp feed by a 15-0-15v supply that can go rail to rail.
Some research for you there .

Why do you need it and what’s the project ?

That is a remarkably incomplete and nearly useless tutorial.

The tutorial should at the very least summarize the technical details of the DAC output, such a voltage range, resolution and practical limits on output waveform/frequency generation.

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