arduino UNO WiFi - UDP

Hi everyone,

I´m currently using the Arduino Uno Wifi (not a Wifi Shield). I'm trying to write a client program using UDP, but do not really know how to do it. I found quite a lot of tutorials, but all of them use Wifi- or Ethernet-Shields and libraries like Ethernet.h or Wifi.h, which I don't need.

Isn´t there a simple way to make UDP connection, without using any libraries which require additional hardware?

Thanks in advance!

did you change the firmware? the factory firmware has no udp support.

my Uno WiFi & WiFi Link documentation


The firmware running on my arduino UNO Wifi is ESP8266(0.0.3).

Βut I do not manage to write a client program using UDP, which libraries should be include to my sketch and how should define Udp variable in order to read an write messages to a specific port.

change the firmware to WiFiLink

Hi All,

I find myself in a similar situation - I am presently using UDP to communicate between some devices with WiFi shields.

I got two new Uno WiFi boards and want to add them to the network.

Am I correct in thinking that changing the firmware to WiFiLink will allow support for UDP so I can use my legacy code? If not is there a workaround?

Thanks in advance for your help.
