arduino uno

can i change the pic atmega328p - pu
of arduino uno with atmega88v-10pu

Its not a pic, but an AVR; anyway, Yes.
You'd have to change the oscillator too, down to 8 MHz.
There'll be some software/files changes needed as well for the different memory sizes, different signature bytes, etc.
Can probably use the boards.txt entries for Arduino NG with Atmega8 as a starting point.

ok, so i made in the analog input of the arduino uno 10v (i knew that the AVR works with 0-5v) :sleeping:
after that, the analog input gives me a false result; what can i do?

ok, so i made in the analog input of the arduino uno 10v (i knew that the AVR works with 0-5v) :sleeping:
after that, the analog input gives me a false result; what can i do?

Replace the AVR chip on the Uno board. Once an input pin is damaged there is not much you can do with it. Do the other analog input pins still work correctly?

no, they don't work