By using the Adafruit_SSD1306 and Adafruit_SSD1306 libraries. The code is uploaded correctly but the oled image is sometimes displaced as seen in the image.
Actually there's more to it than what I said earlier it seems. I found my old code, and display.display() in setup() with a short delay() shows the splash screen which is in the buffer. But my use of it in loop() does not. I don't see why your one does seem to have the logo in the buffer still.
I'm not sure my answer is 100% correct or perhaps should say not 100% complete. As I said, I have it in setup() of a sketch and it displays the logo but in loop() it does not. And adafruit's examples use display.display() all over; that's what I based my code on.
In one of the examples it says:
// Clear the buffer.
So it seems that although you have a clear too, it's not actually clearing?
void Oled_mlx() {
It seems that display.display() is used to actually update the display, so if you took it out is your display actually updating?