Hallo zusammen,
ich sammele gerade mit dem ADS1115 Erfahrungen und es klappt soweit ganz gut.
Ich habe paar Libs ausprobiert, mit RAW Daten oder Volt, etc.
An dieser Lib bin ich "hängengeblieben" , habe aber ein echtes Verständnissproblem.
Ich würde gerne jeden ADC Kanal als einzelne Variable haben.
Also Voltage0, Voltage1,Voltage3, Voltage4.
Irgendwie liest der alle ein ( denke wegen dem "Mux" und gibt sie seqeuntiell aus.
( das is so meine Wortwahl und Interpretation)
Ich habe viel Probiert und umgestellt aber ich bekomme es nicht hin , das ich
jeden ADC als einzelne Variable nach dem messen habe.
Hier der Code wo ansich funktioniert, aber die 4 ADC nicht einzeln greifbar macht.
#define I2C_ADDRESS 0x48
/* There are several ways to create your ADS1115_WE object:
* ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE() -> uses Wire / I2C Address = 0x48
* ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE(I2C_ADDRESS) -> uses Wire / I2C_ADDRESS
* ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE(&wire2) -> uses the TwoWire object wire2 / I2C_ADDRESS
* ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE(&wire2, I2C_ADDRESS) -> all together
* Successfully tested with two I2C busses on an ESP32
ADS1115_WE adc = ADS1115_WE(I2C_ADDRESS);
void setup() {
Serial.println("ADS1115 not connected!");
/* Set the voltage range of the ADC to adjust the gain
* Please note that you must not apply more than VDD + 0.3V to the input pins!
* ADS1115_RANGE_6144 -> +/- 6144 mV
* ADS1115_RANGE_4096 -> +/- 4096 mV
* ADS1115_RANGE_2048 -> +/- 2048 mV (default)
* ADS1115_RANGE_1024 -> +/- 1024 mV
* ADS1115_RANGE_0512 -> +/- 512 mV
* ADS1115_RANGE_0256 -> +/- 256 mV
adc.setVoltageRange_mV(ADS1115_RANGE_6144); //comment line/change parameter to change range
/* Set the inputs to be compared
* ADS1115_COMP_0_1 -> compares 0 with 1 (default)
* ADS1115_COMP_0_3 -> compares 0 with 3
* ADS1115_COMP_1_3 -> compares 1 with 3
* ADS1115_COMP_2_3 -> compares 2 with 3
* ADS1115_COMP_0_GND -> compares 0 with GND
* ADS1115_COMP_1_GND -> compares 1 with GND
* ADS1115_COMP_2_GND -> compares 2 with GND
* ADS1115_COMP_3_GND -> compares 3 with GND
adc.setCompareChannels(ADS1115_COMP_0_GND); //comment line/change parameter to change channel
/* Set number of conversions after which the alert pin asserts
* - or you can disable the alert
* ADS1115_ASSERT_AFTER_1 -> after 1 conversion
* ADS1115_ASSERT_AFTER_2 -> after 2 conversions
* ADS1115_ASSERT_AFTER_4 -> after 4 conversions
* ADS1115_DISABLE_ALERT -> disable comparator / alert pin (default)
//adc.setAlertPinMode(ADS1115_ASSERT_AFTER_1); //uncomment if you want to change the default
/* Set the conversion rate in SPS (samples per second)
* Options should be self-explaining:
* ADS1115_8_SPS
* ADS1115_16_SPS
* ADS1115_32_SPS
* ADS1115_64_SPS
* ADS1115_128_SPS (default)
* ADS1115_250_SPS
* ADS1115_475_SPS
* ADS1115_860_SPS
// adc.setConvRate(ADS1115_8_SPS); //uncomment if you want to change the default
/* Set continuous or single shot mode:
* ADS1115_CONTINUOUS -> continuous mode
* ADS1115_SINGLE -> single shot mode (default)
adc.setMeasureMode(ADS1115_CONTINUOUS); //comment line/change parameter to change mode
/* Choose maximum limit or maximum and minimum alert limit (window) in Volt - alert pin will
* assert when measured values are beyond the maximum limit or outside the window
* Upper limit first: setAlertLimit_V(MODE, maximum, minimum)
* In max limit mode the minimum value is the limit where the alert pin assertion will be
* cleared (if not latched)
//adc.setAlertModeAndLimit_V(ADS1115_MAX_LIMIT, 3.0, 1.5); //uncomment if you want to change the default
/* Enable or disable latch. If latch is enabled the alert pin will assert until the
* conversion register is read (getResult functions). If disabled the alert pin assertion will be
* cleared with next value within limits.
* ADS1115_LATCH_DISABLED (default)
//adc.setAlertLatch(ADS1115_LATCH_ENABLED); //uncomment if you want to change the default
/* Sets the alert pin polarity if active:
* ADS1115_ACT_LOW -> active low (default)
* ADS1115_ACT_HIGH -> active high
//adc.setAlertPol(ADS1115_ACT_LOW); //uncomment if you want to change the default
/* With this function the alert pin will assert, when a conversion is ready.
* In order to deactivate, use the setAlertLimit_V function
//adc.setAlertPinToConversionReady(); //uncomment if you want to change the default
Serial.println("ADS1115 Example Sketch - Continuous Mode");
Serial.println("All values in volts");
/* If you change the compare channels you can immediately read values from the conversion
* register, although they might belong to the former channel if no precautions are taken.
* It takes about the time needed for two conversions to get the correct data. In single
* shot mode you can use the isBusy() function to wait for data from the new channel. This
* does not work in continuous mode.
* To solve this issue the library adds a delay after change of channels if you are in contunuous
* mode. The length of the delay is adjusted to the conversion rate. But be aware that the output
* rate will be much lower that the conversion rate if you change channels frequently.
void loop() {
float voltage = 0.0;
Serial.print("0: ");
voltage = readChannel(ADS1115_COMP_0_GND);
Serial.print(", 1: ");
voltage = readChannel(ADS1115_COMP_1_GND);
Serial.print(", 2: ");
voltage = readChannel(ADS1115_COMP_2_GND);
Serial.print(", 3: ");
voltage = readChannel(ADS1115_COMP_3_GND);
float readChannel(ADS1115_MUX channel) {
float voltage = 0.0;
voltage = adc.getResult_V(); // alternative: getResult_mV for Millivolt
return voltage;