Ardunio Nano ATmega328p problem uploading code

I'm new to arduino so please bear with me , i tried uploading a simple code to my arduino nano , I picked board :Arduino nano , Processor :ATmega328p , and for the port i had only one option which is COM9 ,and then this error shows up : "avrdude: stk500_recv(): programmer is not responding
avrdude: stk500_getsync() attempt 1 of 10: not in sync: resp=0xf8" and it repeats it 10 times. How can i fix this?
Thank you.

Try a different USB cable.

Avoid USB 3.0 ports.

Remove anything connected to the NANO

What sketch did you upload before this one ?

Which version IDE ?

Clone or true NANO ?

Does it show resp=0xF8 every time? If so, I would try telling the IDE it's an Uno, or Pro Mini. Sometimes clones have the wrong bootloader on the '328p (since the uno and pro mini use the same microcontroller - they differ only in the details of the board shape and power supply, and which bootloader they use). It's an easy test, at least. (getting the same response every time, just not the expected one, suggests this - but it's not definitive).

The sync error in general is incredibly generic. It essentially means the problem is unlikely to be a driver issue (though a few people claim otherwise) - but almost any other problem that prevents uploads gives this error.