this is my first of many questions to come does the atmega 328p ch340 just attach to the uno mega
From what you have said, I gather you have a Arduino with a CH340G USB to Serial chip. Yes, the CH340 does connect to the ATMEGA328P. BTW, I am wondering what Arduino you have. Could you attach a pic?
i took these from ebay but this is what i got
Ok, that Arduino is using the CH340G as a USB-Serial converter, and yes, it does connect to the RX/TX pins on the ATMega.
i can connect other items to the uno i did get an expansion board as i was thinking that is what it was for but if i attach them do i use up all my pins???
That expansion board just adds +5/Gnd near each IO pin. You can connect to the header, or to the group in the middle, same signal either way.
You will only use up all your pins if you connect something to each one.
ok i see but adding the servo board takes up all of them... and crossroads do i need the power and gnd???
Adding the servo board only takes up all the pins if you have something connected to every header on the servo board.
oh my gosh that is effin genius, ok i get it now thank you for this