ATmega 1284 programing using Arduino IDE

Hi, recently i bought atmega1284 and i can't upload any program or burn bootloader. I have added MightyCore to arduino IDE. I tried different settings for atmega clock and baud rate, USBasp and arduino uno as ISP. also tried with or without external oscilator.

i am keep getting error: avrdude main() error: expected signature for ATmega1284 is 1E 97 06

using verbose info i saw that signature is apparently 0.

I connected arduino as ISP according to this picture:

From the (nearly useless) Fritzing diagram, the required decoupling capacitors are missing.

This tutorial shows how to get started with the minimum number of required components: Gammon Forum : Electronics : Microprocessors : How to make an Arduino-compatible minimal board

I appreciate your quick response, but that didn't help at all :c

You didn't take time to learn anything from the linked tutorial, so I'm not surprised.

Good luck with your project!

If the response is only 0, you have to check your wires. There is no connection to the target.
It is better post the output and command anyway. I've only assumed the all received bytes are 0 if the signature is 0.
Also USBasp needs slow SCK jumper ON with any fresh ATmega because of slow default clock.
It is good to have decoupling like @jremington wrote but it should work without, not all zero response at least.

There is no reason to assume it will work without the required decoupling capacitors. They are not "optional".

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