ATSAMD21 not being detected in my PC and other PC

I downloaded and added HTTP link of boards. No issue in USB and port , because if i put another SAMD21 board eg RFM95 with same port and USB ,Which means USB drivers is also proper. it is getting detected and shows port also.

But in first board it is not detected at all ? Why I tried restart computer, Reinsatlling ide , but nothing changed.

An RFM95 is a LoRa module, how is that related to a SAMD21 ?

I removed and tried using only one at a time. RFM95 is a LOra Module , but it uses ATSAMD21 controller chip in it

It most definetly does not.

The RFM95 is a HopeRF LoRa module that uses the Semtech SX127X RF device, there is no 'microcontroller' on that board.

Provide a link or picture of the module(s) you are using.

We are going out of topic , RFM 95 is being detected autometically by IDE and shows Com13 port . While SAMD21 MINI is not being detected , this is the issue, with same USB cable and port. I tried one by one at one , istill not detected

use double reset to activate the bootloader

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Assuming that a bootloader is present. SAMD21 chips do not ship with a bootloader installed; I would hope that "RobotTown" has installed one, but ... who knows?

it is "Robotdyn" :slight_smile:

Yes, And i am facing confusions while assigning the pins in my code according to the pin number given in datasheet and pin number written in my Dev Board. Please can anyone Share the Pin diagram of SAMd21 MINI which is proper ??? For example if i blink led takin pin 5 and connecting led on D5 it is blinking, burt If i do same for D4 taking pin 4 it is not blinking.

so now the upload works?
what board did you select in Tools menu? Arduino Zero?
I guess the pinout is like Arduino M0. the pin 4 is there swapped with pin 2 compared to Zero

Yes, Upload works now, But pin number ordering is becoming difficult for me , CCan you share me the datasheet which have proper pin diagram . On Defining pin 2 and 4 as nuber to blink led , they dont work , other pins D3, D5-D13 and A0-A5 are able to blink led , But D2 and D4 not , why???

I explained in the comment above

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