Attendance System with AS608

Hi people, it's my first time in this forum, and my knowledge with Arduino isn't too great. So, I ask for help or a little guidance with a school project.
I've to present a degree project in a few months, and with my team we plant to make an attendance system, connected to a database (in this case, PostgreSQL), this using an AS608 sensor, an ESP8266 internet module, Arduino UNO, among more sensors needed. My problem here, is that I don't have a clear idea of what are the points that we must touch, how or with what we can carry out the data upload to Postgre or some appropriate database system, I would be infinitely grateful if you could help me. Thank you very much in advance.

That's the fingerprint sensor

and that's the WiFi module

Estás publicando en la sección en inglés. Por favor, escriba en inglés o mueva su publicación a la sección en español.

oh right, I'm sorry, I correct it; thank you.

Rule number one is splitting the project into small pieces.
Make test code to manage sensors being used.

That makes it all more difficult. Multi controller builds spells quadrouple difficulties. Why the UNO? Use an ESP that can do it all.

Solve the small parts issues, the building blocks needed in the total project. Sorry but I don't take on the large picture,

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