Hi! I've been trying to get my ATtiny84 to compile which utilizes interrupt code but I can't seem to get it to work. Here's my code:
#include <EEPROM.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <avr/interrupt.h>
#include <DFRobotDFPlayerMini.h>
// ---- MACROS/PINS ----
#define RX 0
#define TX 1
#define BLUE_LED 2
#define POWER_ENABLE 3
#define MOTOR 5
#define BUTTON 8
void wait(float timeInSeconds);
void onOff(byte mode);
void activateDo();
void phraseSet();
void phraseChange();
void turnOff();
// ---- VARIABLES ----
SoftwareSerial mySoftSerial(TX, RX); // For audio
DFRobotDFPlayerMini myPlayer; // For audio
const byte phraseLength[] = {30, 25, 33, 24, 26, 26, 30};
byte phrase = 1;
// ---- FUNCTIONS ----
void setup() { // GOOD
pinMode(MOTOR , OUTPUT);
digitalWrite(POWER_ENABLE, HIGH); // For latching
// Enable interrupt
PCMSK0 |= (1 << PCINT2);
GIMSK |= (1 << PCIE0);
void wait(float timeInSeconds){ // GOOD
delay(timeInSeconds * 1000);
void onOff(byte mode){ // GOOD
analogWrite(MOTOR, (mode) ? (255):(0));
digitalWrite(BLUE_LED, mode);
if(!mode) myPlayer.pause();
void activateDo(){ // GOOD
wait(phraseLength[phrase - 1]);
* This function sets the phrase upon first activation or sets
* phrase based on previous activation
void phraseSet(){ // GOOD
EEPROM.get(0, phrase);
if(phrase == 255) phrase = 0; // If first ever activation
void phraseChange(){ // GOOD
if(phrase >= 7) phrase = 0;
EEPROM.write(0, phrase);
* Simply turns off the microcontroller (assuming the circuit
* utilizes a soft latching circuit)
void turnOff(){ // GOOD
digitalWrite(POWER_ENABLE, LOW); // Power off
ISR(PCINT0_vect){ // WIP
I heard that the "AtlSoftSerial" is the way to go as it works with the ATtiny microcontrollers but I'm unable to get it to work either. Any suggestions? Many thanks! : )
I don't think so, I've been working with the IDE as normal assuming the regular mapping, and have had no problem. Also, I must've gotten the pins wrong while looking at the pinout but even with the correction, I get a compile error. The error message is "multiple definition of `__vector_2'" which is occurring due to the use of the SoftwareSerial library but I'm not sure what to do. Any suggestions?
That surprises me. I was able to compile the code without an error message. I only did not test the functionality of the program, but compiled it. (ATTinyCore 1.5.2)
I just realized that you were using ATtinyCore which is different from what I was using (which explains why you mentioned the pin mapping). Anyway, after installing and configuring the settings, I still got the same compile error similar to the one I showed before. So it definitely has to do with the SoftWare serial but I'm not sure what to do. : (
EDIT: I forgot to make some more adjustments based on the corrected code you provided, it still hasn't been tested but it no longer gives any compile errors! : )
Hi! I just tested the code out and everything and it seems to work well! However, I'm having an issue with this line:
The issue is that, for some reason, it takes around 5 or slightly more seconds to finish execution which wasn't happening when I wasn't using ATtinyCore, any clue why this behavior is occurring? Thanks! : )