ATTiny85 - Reset Pin

I'm building a general purpose LED board using the PWM pins on an ATTiny85 chip. The chip will be mounted on a dip socket, so it can be removed and reprogrammed as desired. When on the LED board, the reset pin will not be used. I want to make sure the chip doesn't randomly reset, as I assume it could since the reset pin would be floating. I've read a few articles/posts about disabling or reassigning the reset pin as I/O, but that's not what I want to do.

Is the best way to just pull up with a 10k resistor?

Ah, as the laws of the Internet seem to be in affect, is this the answer? That reset is already pulled up, so no need to use an external resistor? Found here: ATtiny85/84/2313 Reset pin clarification - #4 by nickgammon

I always use a 10K pullup on the reset pin. There may be an internal pullup, but it is weak and susceptible to noise. With a 10K pullup, I have never had any trouble with unanticipated resets.

What core are you using? If I may, I would like to recommend the ATTinyCore core. It is the best core that I have found for those parts. It is available via the IDE boards manager.

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I just double checked the old project I used an Attiny85 for and I connected the reset pin directly to +. No idea if that was good or not, but it seems to work fine.


+1 (best thing you will ever do if you are using an ATTiny)

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It's fine of course, the idea of using a pullup is that you can pull it LOW with a switch or something. That way if you expose the other connections, you can leave the chip on the board for a new upload.

Then I will do as well.

I guess the answer here is "I don't know." I built a programmer using a Nano, which then allows me to upload my Arduino sketch to the ATTiny85, and it just works. I don't remember selecting a core during that process.

The answer to "what is a core".

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