ATtiny85 w/ Tiny AVR Programmer: Compile error

Hello! Long-time arduino fan, first-time poster :slight_smile:

I'm trying to use an ATtiny85 in my projects, but am having trouble compiling:
Arduino: 1.6.11 (Mac OS X), Board: "ATtiny25/45/85, ATtiny85, Internal 1 MHz"

fork/exec /Users/molecule/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/tools/avr-gcc/4.9.2-atmel3.5.3-arduino2/bin/avr-g++: no such file or directory
Error compiling for board ATtiny25/45/85.

So, my question:
Has anyone seen this before, and do you know how to fix it?

To upload, I'm using the Tiny AVR Programmer:

First, I tried the excellent guide from High-Low Tech's blog about how to use the Tiny AVR Programmer:

That wants me to use the new "board manager" system of installing the attiny support, so I did that. I'm sure I have the ATtiny85 selected:

Googling my error led me to this blog:

Where the author describes editing the "Arduino/hardware/attiny/avr/platform.txt" file to change the default compile path. But since I used the fancy board manager method to install the attiny support, those files don't exist.

So, I tried the "old fashioned way," where I download the files from github as described in the Tiny AVR Programming guide from Sparkfun*:

Unfortunately, the platform.txt file still doesn't mention anything about the compile path:

Adding the line to change the default compile path STILL didn't change anything. I get the same compile error. And yes, if I examine the package contents, it's true that the avr-g++ is missing:

Googling that missing compiler turns up a bunch of github issues that don't seem relevant, like this discussion regarding the Arduino plugin for Eclipse, which I'm not using:

So, my question:
Has anyone seen this before, and do you know how to fix it?
Do I need to install the avr-g++ package separately? That seems "un-Arduino-like".

Which ATTinyCore version are you using?

Try using the one in my sig - that should work with latest Arduino IDE versions; that sounds like the core may not be handling the recent compiler version update properly. That needed changes to handle correctly in my core.

Also, which version of the Arduino AVR Board package are you using?

Thanks for the crazy-fast reply! For the core, I was using this one (as described in all the instructions I linked above):

I just tried yours ( I removed the old one from the package manager, replaced it with yours, and also deleted the attiny folder in the Arduino director (from the "old fashioned" way of installing new boards before the Board Manager was updated). After restarting the IDE, and downloading/installing it in the Boards Manager:
Dropbox - Screenshot 2016-10-24 13.37.19.png - Simplify your life

It now looks like I'm able to successfully compile! Thanks! Of course when I plugged in my custom-built PCB the magic smoke started coming out.... I'll have to look into that next :slight_smile:

For completeness, the Arduino AVR Board package I'm using is 1.6.13:

Thanks again!