Audio input circuit, for ADC

Hello everyone, I am building my first 'real' circuit while following some instructions i've found. I am trying to make a circuit which will take audio from my phone via the headphone jack and read it on analog pin 0. and here is the scematics of the circuit.

as i dont want to demage my arduino i want to ask you for confirmation if its done correctly on my part, i just need to connect a aligator clip to the capacitors leg and thats it right?
here is my circuit done, hope its right but i thought its better to ask someone with more exp.


Your drawing reflects using AREF as an output to your R1 and R2 voltage divider. That is not correct. Since audio goes positive and negative with respect to a 0.0 volt baseline the idea is to offset your AC (Audio) so it is all above zero. You need to "offset" the AC voltage normally to 2.5 VDC for example with an Arduino UNO REV 3 or similar having a max DC input of 5.0 VDC on your analog inputs. You do not want to use the ARef (Analog Reference) pin at all. Your actual circuit will look like this.

Note how R1 and R2 are used. They form a voltage divider be it for 3.3 volts or 5.0 volts. A Google of AC input to Arduino should get you plenty of examples and more questions just ask. :slight_smile:

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thanks a bunch, i made a new post where i have removed the AREF from the circuit now i think its ready i just need to know wha wire connects to the long leg of the capacitor (gold and green from my headphones) and if i should connect the remaining wire to the ressistors leg in C1 location on the breadboard

duplicate post

helo everyone, i am using an scematic i found for feeding oudio as input through the analog A0 pin, i am going to convert it to digital signal for AM transmission.
this is the circuit scematic im following.
it has a voltage divider using 2 10k ohms ressistors and one 10uF capacitor, i am not sure which of the 2 wires of the headphone i shuld connect where, and allso i am a total beginer so if someone could tell me if my circuit is correctly wired.

my attempt:

You can determine if the circuit matches the schematic by identifying and following every connection. The photo is too fuzzy and hides too many connections, to verify visually. It has unlabelled connections that go off the photo, how can we verify those?

What is the concern, exactly? You have no idea how to test it?

If you're not confident about the simple circuit, how will you manage the far more complex task of AM transmission?

What power levels will you use for transmission? Those are highly regulated by law.

ill use low power to transmit just a meter or two at about 600 khz , its a project and although the photo is a bitt fuzy it can be seen what goes where i mean there are 2 jumpers only black and blue, blue goes to ground and connects to the same row as the 2 resistors along the capacitors row, my question is do i and if i do what of the 2 wires from the headphone connects to the long leg of the capacitor and if at all the remaining wire connects to the resistor in row 1 where the ressistors leg sits alone

Then what is your doubt?

I skipped over your word salad description, those are less than useless in cases like this. Also your post is a long un-punctuated sentence.

A proactive response would have been to add pictures. You chose to excuse yourself instead, so I will do the same. Good luck with your project.

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hope this is a more apropriate image of whats going on

Thank you, it shows you are making an effort. However it is not sufficient to verify the wiring. Also you only answered one of my about three questions.

Why don't you test it, just the audio, before you add transmit code?

Your latest photo makes the same mistake of only showing the ends of wires. It's impossible to see where they go.

If you test it, and it works, you can skip all this inquiry.

Why did you connect the voltage divider to AREF? Have you verified the voltage on that?

Nor am I, since it's completely hidden from me.

sry, im in doubt of how to correctly wire the 2 wires from my 3.5 mm headphone cable ( one is gold the other is green/blue) i think one goes to the capacitors long leg located in the column for power suply. And the other one im not sure if its suposed to go to row 1 connecting to the resistors leg at C1 on the breadboard these are the wires in question that im not sure how to connect in order to get an analog signal.

Sorry if im not giving clear questions, i am trying and i am very, very new.

Stereo, or Mono? Your thumb is obscuring the wires... Also what is on the other end?

its a stereo 3.5 mm plug, i cut off one of the earplugs.

Probably, the copper braided one should go to ground, the other one to the input. How are you planning to physically connect it?

thanks for wasting your time on me, hope im not too slow.

Well, IDK, did you read the forum posting guidelines? You should take a half hour to read or re-read it, and prepare one message with all the information you can think of, in it.

Casual example - the project(s) you borrowed ideas from.. links..

Again, why not test it? Could save you all the trouble...

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glossed over them its almost 3 am, wanted to see if someone can point me to what is it i need to do real quick . Thank you very much for your help.

But maybe there is nothing you need to do... :slight_smile:

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If it's a stero plug, there should be three contacts on the plug. Gnd will be the contact farthest from the tip. If you have an Ohm meter you can check which wire that is connected to and that will be connected to Gnd on the Uno. The other wire will be connected to either the tip or the first ring from the tip on the plug and that goes to the node between your resistors.

Where did you find this schematic? The schematic show an antenna symbol connected to the digital I/O pin D11. Ignoring for a moment that this probably violates radio regulations, I'm curious what you intend to use to receive the transmitted signal.