Audio transmission with arduino using esp2866 wifi module

I have a project wherein a device is placed in any part of the house and transfer the sound it will hear into the main node that is connected to the server. That main node will send it to the cloud to classify it. Then, the server will send the classified cloud to the main node then the main node will send the classified sound to the device to tell what is that sound.

For my question, is it possible to transmit the audio detected using the esp2866 wifi module to the main node then from the main node to the server using Arduino Uno? or if you have suggestions you can say it.

Another question is what microphone could I use for this project?

Thank you so much for the feedback!

By my definition of "real time", that answer is no. The reason is the sound must be digitized and those data fields must be accumulated and placed into a message to be sent to the receiving device. If the receiving device receives the message without error, the data fields must be saved until a meaningful sound can be created from the data fields. Then there may be someway to convert the data fields back into a "sound".

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What if it will only send the sound if that device detects it and recorded a sound? would that be possible?

That only changes when it is done, not how it is done.

Forum rule: DO NOT edit your post in response to replies, as it makes the thread very hard to understand.

Please explain what you mean by this:

What if it will only send the sound if that device detects it and recorded a sound?

This answer to the following question is no, the Uno cannot do this.

is it possible to transmit the audio detected using the esp2866 wifi module to the main node then from the main node to the server using Arduino Uno?

I don't seem to understand this. I'm sorry.

So am I .

I'm sorry for this.

Suppose a microwave beeps then the device detected that there's a sudden change of sound, so it will only send the part where there is a change in audio to the main node then from main node to the cloud.

the device detected that there's a sudden change of sound

Sound changes constantly. You need to experiment with a basic Arduino and microphone, before making all these grand plans.

so the only solution is to send the audio constantly to the main node? is that possible?

You can already subscribe to such a service, if available in your country. Alexa, for example.

To learn and understand more about voice and sound recognition, start with your laptop or PC, not any sort of microcontroller.

I will only use the device for audio input so that it can be placed in any part of the house. That is why I am asking if there's a possible solution to send the audio wirelessly from that device to the main node then to the internet for the recognition.

Start by first learning how to do it, using your laptop. Then make the small device.

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