Hello, this is my first time posting, so please be patient. I have a simple idea in mind, where I basically want to do the following:
- Read music/audio files (mp3 or something similar) from an SD card
- Take those files, and send them via Bluetooth to my wireless headphones (or any Bluetooth speaker in general)
- All other associated IO (buttons, displays, leds, etc) are just 'fluff' and can be easily implemented later on.
In short, a crude Bluetooth media player.
So far, I think that I can handle the SD card code and procedures, but after much searching, I can't really seem to find a solution for transmitting audio data to consumer devices. All the tutorials online talk about "oh yeah, download my app and then you can blink an LED from your phone...wow!"-yeah, I don't really care about those things at all.
Is it possible to use something like the common HC-05 module and get 'quality' sound at a decent bit-rate to something like a BT speaker? If so, could anyone help me find some articles, papers, books, or datasheets associated with this? Keep in mind that I don't have to use the HC-05. In fact, if you could point me towards a specialized chip/module, that would be even better.
Eventually, I would like to scale this down, as I am only using the Arduino for prototyping. The final product should be as small as possible on the final PCB. I am thinking of using the MSP430 micro controller, and some BT chip from TI. But before I can even think about those things, I have to understand how the Bluetooth will work (for audio transmission).
Thank you very much for taking the time to help me!