Sorry I know probably known resolved question or issue. But I thought I would ask:
I noticed that IDE2 has: Auto Save, not sure if it is on by default or not. My guess is yes.
Sometimes I really don't like Auto Save, in programs like this, especially if I am editing something that is a bit more complex maybe over several source files. That is unless there is some built in setup to allow me to easily revert, maybe to some when started or a checkpoint...
With Arduino 1.x, you have the option to: Automatically save when I do a verify or upload operation, which for me was a happy medium.
With IDE 2, it looks like Auto save, is an all or nothing. As if I turn it off, and have one or more files (tabs) dirty, it appears like these files are not saved?
First question would be: is there some option to enable IDE1 like functionality in this case? If so guessing probably... WIll search the gui options... But assuming there is, should it be easy to find?
Now if it is all manual to save the updates: Next question is:
What does file->Save mean? Does it save all of the updated files or only current selected Tab?
Obviously can find out by trying it.
But I wondered if I might find additional help on them. So automatically hit the F1 key and then remembered does not bring up help.
Again sorry, just though I would mention this, since I just hit it with turning off auto-save
That is correct. The default value is based on the convention of Arduino IDE 1.x, where the auto save equivalent is enabled by default.
Nothing built-in, but I highly recommend using Git for version control of sketches to any more advanced users. This allows you to easily reset or revert to any previous commit in the sketch's repository.
They are not saved automatically, but if you close the sketch then the IDE will prompt you to save.
Not that I know of. The saving capability comes from the Eclipse Theia IDE framework Arduino IDE 2.x is built on, which doesn't know anything about verify or upload operations specifically. So the standard Theia options you see in the advanced settings would not provide any such capability.
You would have to hack something up, perhaps based on a build hook in the platform that executes some process to save the sketch on sketch compilation.
As you probably already know, I use GIT a reasonably often. And can use it to recover in some of these cases. But when I am working on code for some shared projects, I often won't upload until I get things working. So then resort to doing your own manual checkpoint. (Copy directory to desktop or the like)
Thanks, did not find one either. But did see there are a few different options for AutoSave
Will have to try some of them and see for example how onWindowChange works.
Will it not save the files, start the build, then if I click away it will save. Should be interesting.
Edit: thought I would metnion I did try setting the onWindowChange, and noted that it does now show the checkmark in the main preferences dialog as being set... I assumed it would but that I would mention it
Edit2: And it looks like it saves the data after the delay time even though I am son on the same
window (actually in the same file)