Automatic code highlighting, do you want it or not

So no. Thanks.

The strict answer is yes, as has been shown

However, beyond a few lines of code I find it much easier to examine it in the IDE anyway.
I routinely copy code to the IDE where I can format it to my preferred rules, compile it if required, correct it and paste it back to the forum if appropriate


Maybe then it’s worth adding a "Load" button to the code block, so that, with the environment properly configured, it immediately opens the code in the IDE ?

I didn't think @Ballscrewbob was TL4. I purposely chose him for my example so that the answer would apply to a regular member.

Something else to be wrongly configured ?
No thank you

I wonder if the reactions to code highlighting and some other forum features is influenced by the device (PC, tablet, 'phone) being used to access the forum. I normally use a desktop PC with a largish screen, a full keyboard and a mouse. If I had space I would add a second screen.

When I have accessed the forum on a tablet the experience is very different. The forum seems more cramped, difficult to navigate and the IDE is not available to isolate, format and navigate code. For me, a tablet is just about good enough to read posts and add short replies. As for using a 'phone, forget it


do not touch the "Load" button in this case :slight_smile:

Why not label the button "DO NOT CLICK HERE" to prevent misuse ? Just like the Uncategorised category whose title is

Nobody would post in there, would they ?

Experience shows that not to be the case

just realized what you mean :slight_smile:

I think the forum community has a better understanding of the two possible behaviors available for syntax highlighting on the forum now that they have experienced both of them. The change to the forum configuration also brought the subject to the attention of more forum users.

In this case where there are only two possible options, I think the poll is a good tool for determining the opinion of the forum community. My suggestion is that the poll be reopened for some pre-defined duration (e.g., two weeks). If the poll numbers show majority support for enabling the forced highlighting, I'll be happy to change the forum settings accordingly.

What do you think @sterretje?

4 posts were split to a new topic: Create a guide to forum post markup

It seems to me that the poll has already proved its complete failure. 10-12 votes per week on a forum where weekly attendance is probably something around 30-50 thousand users ( I didn’t find where to see the exact statistics) - it’s just nothing.
What conclusions can be drawn on such unrepresentative data?

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If you have a suggestion for a better way to determine what the forum community wants, please tell us.

Everyone has the opportunity to give their feedback. Even if we don't obtain feedback from all the users, we do get it from those who care enough about the forum configuration to occasionally check the Website and Forum category and click on a poll.

I've been contemplating to reopen the poll; just needed the push :wink: Will be done now.

Poll is open for another two weeks. Invite your friends and your enemies to vote; bribing is allowed :rofl:

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The information is to be found in post #13 of this topic.

When I started the topic my code is now posted in monochrome , I was referred to this topic to find the information.

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Please vote in the poll in the first post of the thread if you like this changing of the code highlighting or not

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This presumes a forum browsing habit that is not mine. I look at Latest, New, Unread. I don't go digging into categories, I prefer the broader view. That means sometimes I respond to posts I have marginal knowledge in, but may be trying to improve on, or take care of a noob's less-than-stellar first post along the way. But your poll may have 'passed in the night" because I don't necessarily visit the forum every day, so I'll click on dismiss to get rid of 100 'new' topics without reading them all. If that means you're not interested in my poll response, because I don't use the forum the way you envisage it, or don't come here slavishly every day, so be it.

If a poll is something that will affect the fundamental appearance/operation of all posts, and I consider this to be one of those, perhaps a way could be found to bring it to the attention of all users, not just those who choose to read the forum a particular way? If that means I don't care enough about the forum... That's your judgement, not mine.
Just asking.


Maybe we should have a topic Polls about Website and Forum in this category, to collect all polls in. I was surprised about the small number of votes ins Restructuring forum categories.


The topic would have been listed there as well.

It is some colored text. I suggest we back off on the hyperbole and focus on having a reasonable discussion. It's a simple setting that can be turned on and off without any tremendous harm.

I don't have any "horse in this race". I only want to listen to the community and make improvements to the forum based on their wishes. Over the last decade, during which I visited this forum daily, I have repeatedly seen complaints about how the forum management doesn't pay attention to the feedback from the community about problems and improvements or take action on that feedback. I'm now in a position where I can try to change that. That means me taking on a lot of work and negativity, but I will do it because I truly care about this community.

Of course I am interested in your poll response just as much as anyone else's.

Monitoring or not monitoring the topics in the Website and Forum is your choice to make.

I'm strongly opposed to a single topic because we would end up with a topic thousands of posts long, with discussions of distinct subjects overlapping. This would make it very difficult for anyone to properly evaluate the discussion.

However, I think it is worth considering creating a subcategory that is used as a tracker for formal feature requests and bug reports. The Website and Forum could then be used solely for support requests and unstructured discussion. This would allow the interested forum members and maintainers to monitor and browse that category specifically. I considered proposing the creation of such a category because it would be very useful to me, but my intuition was that the forum community would not support it.