My code is now posted in monochrome

When I try to post code using code tags, the output does not have the normal colours, but is entirely monochrome.

int beats;

void setup() 
  // from 'Tools' choose "Serial Plotter" (NOT Serial Monitor)
  // and make sure the baud/bps match

void loop() 
  beats = analogRead(A0);
  delay(10);    // try faster -- or no delay


Does anyone know why?

Is there a setting I have inadvertently changed?
It has only started doing this today.

Do you mean that it should look like this ?

int beats;

void setup() 
  // from 'Tools' choose "Serial Plotter" (NOT Serial Monitor)
  // and make sure the baud/bps match

void loop() 
  beats = analogRead(A0);
  delay(10);    // try faster -- or no delay


How are you copy/pasting the code from the IDE and which version of the IDE are you using ?

Yes that is what I was expecting it to look like.

Use ```cpp instead of ``` to start the code section

Still end with ```


In order for the forum to recognise some keywords and colour them it need to know what programming language you are using, hence my question about how you were copy/pasting the code

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CPP or any of these : Automatic code highlighting, do you want it or not - #13 by pert

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I originally copied it from another topic on the website (it was runaway_pancake's code).

But I have also tried copying it from the IDE (Version 1.8.19) - It shows up correctly in the IDE.

The 'example' in post #1 was from the IDE.

Did you use "copy for forum" in the IDE?

I suspected that that would become a problem after the change but could not properly test it yet. Also. if you copy/quote a piece of a post, the forum does not seem to maintain to language option of the code tags.

Just quoting a part of @UKHeliBob's post. Syntax highlighting gone.

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Yes, I used the 'Ctrl + Shift + C' shortcut for "copy for forum".

Which version of the IDE are you using ?

I'm using Version 1.8.19 of the IDE

If I add the 'cpp' as suggested by sterretje in post #4, I can see the code in the preview window change as I type the first 'c ' .

Now that I know this, I think we can consider the matter solved.

Thank you all for your assistance on my first question after 9 years posting.


UKHeliBob, I don't think it is a problem with the IDE at all, it is due to a feature of the forum that </> pert has only just turned off.

I never suggested that it was a problem with the IDE, apart from the fact that IDE 1.x does not add the language specifier when doing "Copy for Forum" whereas ID 2 does

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