Automatic parking lights+low beam(dipped lights) by night for my car


I'm switching about 10Amps of current 12-13V
The supply current comes from a lead acid battery

How heavy is the wiring and tracks on your veroboard?

Tom.. :slight_smile:
PS. I'm off to bed, g'dnight. :sleeping:

Hi,How heavy is the wiring and tracks on your veroboard?

Tom.. :slight_smile:
PS. I'm off to bed, g'dnight. :sleeping:

Very heavy, i used wires as tracks on my perfboard between the supply and the mosfet source and between the drain to the bulbs

and yes, the code is only to fade, it have nothing to do with the noise(beeep sound) !

Then why is it too long to post here? Really, the snippets provided have no meaning.