Hi Pauland Raygun..Thanks for your effective insight on the stitch regulator thing... Its good to know the whole thing is possible with Arduino with little difficulty and motivation from you... NRaygun, Its not difficult for me to move the machine on the carriage...These type of machine are not that heavy..I have built my CNC machine and the Y-axis Gantry is 3 times heavier than that sewing machine, and the Y-axis Gantry is moved with 200 Oz-in Nema 23 Stepper Motor at 70 inch/minute (I have not used Arduino on my CNC).. However Arduino can do much more than that..
Now as i earlier said that my interest is only to get feedback from the carriage by the help of encoder and then make a SKETCH in the Arduino to control the DC Motor on the sewing machine..
For more insight you can see following of my thread at CNCzone
Now I can divide the Project in Following to be easily understand by all of You:)
1- I will make a X/Y carriage similar to the picture in following Link with MDF and cut by my home made CNC Machine (Drawings are in progress in CAD software)
2- In the picture you see the machine is carried by two carriages X/Y.
3- For creating the ART i can use any CAM software ( I have Vectric Vcarve Pro) to produce Gcode that will be run by Mach3 Machine controller software. I will create the Gcode by using PROFILE CUT Option in the CAM software on any design vectors.
4- Currently i can send the Gcode to Mach3 and drive the machine but i am stuck into the stitch regulator thing... This is what i need to control with Arduino.
Some of my initial experimentation to get an idea for mounting the sewing machine on my Home made DIY and some of the results.. I have drawn PENTAGON.. but the stitches worse:(
5- What am I thinking is to put the rotary encoder on the carriage slides so that when the carriage moves the rotary encoder also rotate like a wheel... Now i will have two rotary encoder one on X-carriage and One on Y-carriage... What i understand so far about the above professional cruise controller is that it compares the output of both encoders and generate the signal which ever is move fast....This higher encoder rotation will be the input to the Arduino...
6- Now I have two options:
A) To use the same DC Motor on the sewing machine and PWM and convert the output to that DC Motor as a Voltage..as Raygun suggested... For me, i so far understand that the Machine Paddle control the Voltages given to the Machine Motor to move fast or slow... When you press the paddle harder the machine run fast and vice versa..
B) I can install a seperate DC Motor to give the input of encoder and that DC motor rotate the machine wheel to regulate equal length stitch..
7-Now to experiment, we can see How many rotation of sewing machine Wheel require to One needle IN and Out (One stitch)..From their we can get the idea of How many rotation of encoder will be require to rotate the wheel to get the ONE stitch..This programming can be done in Arduino..
So now I will use the stepper motor to drive the machine with Mach3 and a stepper controller...On this motion of carriage i will give instruction to sewing machine wheel motor to regulate the stitch and for this i will use Arduino and Two Encoders..
You can see the diagram of a simple sewing machine
Sorry for my bad english... and Please tell me is it possible in arduino sketch????