avr-g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory

I installed the Arduino0023 software to work with Arduino Uno in a laptop.
The installation went fine but when I open the Blink example and I do a Verify (before Upload) a message arose:
Error compiling
avr-g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory
I uninstalled and installed again but error persists!
The software is fine because I installed it in a desktop and works fine with the same MS Windows XP Professional SP3.
My laptop is a TOSHIBA, with a M proc at 1.86GHz.
May someone help me?

I am getting the same error on a lenovo R61i laptop. Did you get this figured out yet? I would love to know the fix.


Did either of you ever figure out how to fix that error. Having the exact same problem here and cannot for the life of me figure out how to get past that error code and make the "Blink" program execute.

I am also having this problem. A new Arduino uno board, with Arduino Uno 1.0 software. Setup went fine and communications with the card is established through the usb port but I cannot compile any of the programs. I get the error listed in the subject. I have read all of the posts concerning this, Someone mentioned taking all spaces out of any folders where the Arduino root files reside. I did not have any spaces in my file names. Someone mentioned a variable (I don't have it in front of me and forget the name something to do with avr-g++ that is being set by a line in the system path. I did find the variable is being set but do not find the command to set it in my system path. So-oo how can I find what is setting this variable? Finally I loaded the software on a different laptop from work, an xp machine, and all worked well, however I'd like to use my home laptop. My home machine is running Vista. If anyone can help on this I would greatly appreciate it. I am new to Arduino, just heard about it, I've spent my career programming PLC's and DCS logic and graphic interface. Still this is unfamiliar to me.

I also confirmed my arduino works on my office PC, a Windows 7 model. So I know the issue is not my board. There must be a conflict with vista. It's all I can determine. I'm in the process of converting my laptop to Windows 7 because I need this to work.

If you read previous posts on this same error many people found references to avr-g++: in their system path. Apparently this sets a variable that Arduino doesn't like. Removing the path that sets the variable apparently fixed the problem for some. Look under control panel - system - advanced settings - environment variables. You can edit those variable paths, but make sure you copy and paste your original in a word file before you mess with it. This way you can always copy it back in. Some have found one of those paths was setting the unwanted variable. I haven't experimented with all of them yet, I was going to take the references out one at a time and reboot after each edit to see if it helps. That may be the answer. I would think you would need to reboot after taking out the path to the variable.

Thank you, FrankDeStefano. I had been searching the forums up and down. I did the "echo %GCC_EXEC_PREFIX%" check in a command prompt and kept getting back "c:\progra~1\egcs\lib\gcc-lib" on my laptop that I was getting the "avr-g++: CreateProcess: No such file or directory" error on. I had also loaded the Arduino environment onto my home and work PCs. It worked fine on those two and simply echoed back GCC_EXEC_PREFIX in the command prompt instead of c:\progra~1\egcs\lib\gcc-lib. I figured that had to be the issue then since it seemed to be the only difference after checking anything else suggested in other forums as well. The other forums just kept saying remove or delete the path so I was about to delete the the EGCS folder and everything in it from my Program Files folder when I came back to this forum for one last check and saw your posts. So instead, I went in to the "control panel - system - advanced settings - environment variables" and deleted the GCC_EXEC_PREFIX variable, rebooted, and re-downloaded and extracted/loaded the Arduino environment and now it works just fine. From other forums, I know that this fix will not work for everyone getting this error but hopefully this fix will help most people reading these forums looking for help with this error. Thanks again. I appreciate the detailed posted instructions.