I´m new on this. Before this problem apear, I load my sketch without problems during two weeks.
Uno Board is powered up via the USB port, power light is on, (L) LED flashes when board is reset, TX & RX never light
during the upload process or during loopback testing.
I've disabled all Bluetooth drivers in Device Manager.
I've removed and reinstalled the drivers and ERW several times, turned off Windows firewall, and have tried several
different comm ports.
Retested the Uno on the Windows 7 desktop and all remains well with the Uno.
What can I test next? Is their a utility that would help me resolve this issue or help me get to the root cause?
I've had this problem before. My Arduino Uno R3 didn't talk to computer if I unplugged USB before closing Arduino IDE. But if I tried first close Arduino IDE, then unplugged USB a few times, the serial connection was back on again. Would that help?
I get this from time to time. Unplugging ad replugging USB, Changing port number assigned, Plugging in another unit or rebooting are the things that seem to work.
I got this myself today and with some assistance I realized I was trying to use pins 0 and 1 (rx and tx) as buttons with caps for debouncing (caused a problem on pin 0). I was also trying to run Serial for debugging which of course was causing issues as well.
Basically I just avoided using 0 and 1, though I could just remove pin 0 for programming if I really needed to (assuming I wasn't using Serial in my final program).
I tried all thinks that you are post, but I still not load anything to arduino. The RX and TX still off.
I tried install the arduino at ubuntu and I got the same message.
How can I fixe it ?
I'm not sure what your situation is but it could be that the boot-loader got corrupted, you could re-burn it.
Yeah, if all else fails, that's what I think is going on.
Have you pulled off all the wires/pins? unplug EVERYTHING (including USB), reboot computer... EVERYTHING. See if it works. Try hitting the reset button a few times right before hitting upload.
If none of that works, I'm gonna guess that the bootloader is corrupt.