Battery managment system

I want to create a lithium-ion battery management system using arduino uno, 16X2 LCD, acs 712, surge protection module, charging module, etc.
I would need a schematic and code model and some advice.
Any advice helps me. Thanks in advance

What is value of source voltage AC? Is it 220V/50Hz or 110V/60 Hz?


More details needed - how many cells? what capacity, etc?

What is your level of experience with electronics & programming?

Forgot to ask you: Battery voltage and its Ahr?
Is it lead-acid or Ni-Cd?

I want to use a single battery lithiu-ion with a capacity of 5000mah.
I am a recent graduate of a technical college.

I want to use a single battery lithiu-ion with a capacity of 5000mah.

what is the terminal voltage?
Is it a re-chrgable battery?
What are the parameters that you want to see on the LCD?

You can get battery. Management chip s for lithium batteries - that’s the best way to go , or you need to understand fully the charging mechanism . It is very difficult to charge these and have a load connected at the same time and modules you buy probably don’t support this - if this is what you want .
Other chemistry’s are easier to handle and can stand some misuse .

You need to write some code and provide a wiring diagram showing what you have researched and tried .

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it is a rechargeable battery, on the LCD I would like to see the voltage, the current on the battery, the temperature and the charge percentage or some of these parameters.

Without knowing the terminal voltage of the battery, the charger cannot be designed.

Whose temperature -- the environemnt/air temperature you want to measure?

If possible, post the picture of your Battery. Is it like this?:

battery management
surge protection module
charging module

Battery management can mean a lot of different things, please be more specific.
What is included in "etc."?

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its a 3.7 V 5000 mah li-ion battery

You want to do it just as a hoby project -- correct?

You need a 220/6-0-6 2A isolation transformer -- do you know Why?

I want to do this for an exam

:point_up_2: :point_up_2: This! :point_up_2: :point_up_2:

Unless you are prepared to spend significant time researching, experimenting, and testing this is definitely the way to go.

In addition to those manufacturers, Analog Devices (formerly Linear Tech) has a wide range of battery management chips

All of these manufacturers will have extensive resources - datasheets, Application Notes, reference designs, development kits, etc - on their websites

Search for "Coulomb Counter" or "Gas Gauge" chips ...

Search for "Current-Sense Amplifiers" (CSA)

be sure to spell mAh correctly in your report - the case matters! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

If it's for an exam, your really need to speak to your tutors to be sure that you're doing something appropriate - whether that means doing everything from scratch, or starting from something ready-made.

If this is for an Exam , you cannot realistically expect people here to give you the answers .

You need to work out how to charge the battery .
Design a circuit to do this
Write code to control it .

YOU need to do that !!

You don’t get many marks by saying I asked someone else how to do it. Your Tutor might be lurking here too…



Can you please tell us your electronics, programming, arduino, hardware experience?

Thanks.. Tom... :grinning: :+1: :coffee: :australia:

@sorin6789 Please be a more specific!