Beats per minute-updating value

Hi there,
Im making a project and part of it im using a heart rate sensor and want to display BPM to serial for a start. Im having problems where im getting the right values for beats per minute but rather than display a new value, all im doing is adding it to the old value and displaying the last and next BPM. It goes like;
BPM : 55
BPM :110
BPM :170
BPM :225

Rather than;
BPM : 55
BPM : 55
BPM : 60
BPM : 55

Can anyone please help??

Please, you must show us your complete sketch. Attach your code using the </> icon on the left side of the posting menu.

void beatsCounted(int);
unsigned long measurementTime = 10000;
byte heartSensorPin = A0;
int beats = 0;
int SensorValue=0;
boolean count = false;
int bpm = 0;

void setup()
pinMode(heartSensorPin, INPUT);


void loop()
unsigned long currentTime = millis();

if(millis()-currentTime >= measurementTime && beats > 0){
bpm = beats*6;
Serial.print("BPM : ");
currentTime = millis();

SensorValue = analogRead(heartSensorPin);
if (SensorValue > 550 && count==false)
count = true;

else if (SensorValue < 550)
count = false;

Move this before setup()
unsigned long currentTime = millis();

You don't need this
pinMode(heartSensorPin, INPUT);

Where is
void beatsCounted(int) {}

You probably want to change
currentTime = millis();
currentTime = currentTime + measurementTime;

Ok thanks, ill try that. Sorry i was trying to set up a function earlier and decided against it and forgot to delete the prototype