Hello All
I want to hook up the Bend Labs Digital Flex Sensor - 1-Axis to my Arduino, but based on it has two pins, nRST and nDRDY, and I do not know which pin of Arduino Uno are these?
Can anyone help me with the wiring it?
picture of it is attached.
Why do you think a picture is better than a data sheet showing what the device does and how to hook it up and use it?
Please read the first post in any forum entitled how to use this forum.
http://forum.arduino.cc/index.php/topic,148850.0.html .
Can you post a link to specs/data for the Flex Sensor please?
The sensor has SPI I2C interface.
Thanks .. Tom..
The datasheet is attached.
it is an I2C.
I want to knows how to hook it up directly to Arduino Uno?
one_axis_datasheet.pdf (1.23 MB)
one_axis_quick_start_guide_2019.pdf (283 KB)
Thanks, Tom for your response, I am amature in Arduino, I could not find the relevant pins for the nRST and nDRDY, I will be thankful if you would help me with that?
From the generic example for the ADS library specd in the datasheet you provided
has them set on pins 2 & 3.
What model Arduino are you using.
If a UNO then A4 and A5 pins are the I2C, some UNOs even have a couple of pins specifically labelled, SDA and SCL.
Note that the device is 3.3V supply.
If you use this library, you will find the 1-axis example does not use the all the pins of the sensor.
Thank you all for your response.
All of these codes are assuming that the sensor is connected to SparkFun Pro nRF52840 Mini.
I want to know if it is possible to hook the sensor directly to the Arduino?