Bluetooth Classic on Giga R1

According to the Arduino Giga R1 documentation, the hardware supports full Bluetooth "Classic".

Bluetooth® interface supports Bluetooth® Classic and Bluetooth® Low Energy

However, I think currently the Arduino SW stack only supports BLE. Is this true? Is there a plan to add full Bluetooth support? It would be another way to play audio off the board easily.

I know BLE 5.1 supports Audio as well, but I also do not see any support for that currently.

Just curious if there are plans for this.

That's true, Bluetooth Classic is currently not supported by the official Arduino libraries but is present in hardware. We have plans to support it but it's hard to share an ETA at the moment, and it's very likely that we will prioritize full BLE coverage over support for Bluetooth Classic.
But of course, our priorities depend on user requests :slight_smile:

That's great. I'm in no hurry. Just great to see the capability for the future. Full BLE is also interesting because it makes audio possible as well. Right now I'm happy to use the 3.5mm jack for audio. :slight_smile:

Thanks for the reply.


I've just bought a Giga board and I'm discovering this lack of classic Bluetooth support. I really don't need the BLE for my application and I would be glad to get rid of an external Bluetooth chip (HC05-HC06, HM10, etc.).

Do you have any update to share us about this library update? When should we get it?

Fingers crossed... Thanks in advance! :+1:

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Me too I need to use bluetooth classic. I bougth the giga board because I read the specification but just discovered classic is not supportred by offical library, only BLE. :frowning:
Is there some poll where we can vote to prioritize this feature?

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If it's not supported by the official arduino libraries, does this mean they would be possible toget it to work with an un-official library?

Is there anything new on supporting Bluetooth Classic for the Giga R1? Me too, I want to use it on the Giga R1.