Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 Module x Mega 2560 Rev3 and general questions

I have few questions before acquire some of the things below, i'm already experienced in arduino evironnement but i still have this questions(all of this are for school big project that will be showcasing) :

Is Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 Module compatible with the Mega 2560 Rev3 ?
If yes how i will connect it ?

Is there differences between Mega 2560 Rev3 and Uno Rev3 exept the 54 digital input/output pins ?

Is it possible to extend the number of input and ouput pins and still can do the code like normal, instead of 52 for exemple i can do 74 for the added without bugs ?

What do you advise me to take in addition to these things i mentionned ?

And finnaly, where do i found if something is compatible with another and how to connect ?


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Just tell me directly what's wrong in the message ? I don't see sending me that will be helpful.

Read the material in the link, then decide if it was helpful.

To answer the first question, some Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 modules are compatible with the Mega 2560 Rev. 3. Tutorials have been posted on the internet.

what do you mean by "material" ?


  1. Yes, you can use a Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0 Module with the Mega 2560 Rev3 by connecting it to the Serial communication pins.
  2. Yes, the Mega 2560 Rev3 has more memory and ports than the Uno Rev3.
  3. Yes, you can extend the number of pins using additional components, but it might require code modifications and checking if the processor can handle it.
  4. It depends on your project, but some useful components could be sensors, actuators, storage, or user feedback devices.
  5. To check compatibility between components, check pinouts, voltage levels, and communication protocols in their datasheets.
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Okay thanks, it helps a lot. I now know Mega 2560 is same of Uno V3 but with more memory/ports. :+1:

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