Bluetooth problem ASCII

Good Morning,

I'm sending numbers to my Arduino MEGA 2650 using an Android app via Bluetooth. I own the Bluetooth module HC-05. My app sends different numbers. But the Arduino only receives 3 different decimal numbers that look like this:

These numbers should actually be the 52 in the ASCII table.

How can I convert the numbers? The numbers are read out via Serial. I want depending on what is received for a number, say my program one direction. I realized it via switch-case (23.6 KB)

Here is an excerpt of my program:

Here is an excerpt from my answer:
You need to

Post ALL of your code IN CODE TAGS, NOT IN GREEN!

Here is an excerpt from my answer:
You need to

Post ALL of your code IN CODE TAGS, NOT IN GREEN!

added the program above sorry

Did you really have to attach a zip with multiple files in it ?

Please post a simple but complete program here that illustrates the problem. It should only take 20 lines of code, or less.

How sure are you that the Android app is sending what you think it is ?

Did you really have to attach a zip with multiple files in it ?

Please post a simple but complete program here that illustrates the problem. It should only take 20 lines of code, or less.

How sure are you that the Android app is sending what you think it is ?

I have in the app, the arrow keys occupied and the serial monitor will not display the numbers that I have defined for example
high = 1 on the serial screen comes 120,128

14 ino files and 3 header files before you discovered you had a problem? No, I do not believe for one second that you wrote all that code.

As UKHeliBob says, write a small program that illustrates the problem. I'm not going to guess which of the ino files contains setup() and loop(), and which one causes the problem you have.

14 ino files and 3 header files before you discovered you had a problem? No, I do not believe for one second that you wrote all that code.

Did I say a second that the code belongs to me?

As UKHeliBob says, write a small program that illustrates the problem. I'm not going to guess which of the ino files contains setup() and loop(), and which one causes the problem you have.

I gave you above the code but it was you to "green" and "little"...

I am sorry to be a nuisance, but would it be possible for you to post a program that compiles ?

Oh sorry my mistake

Test.ino (2.62 KB)

OP's sketch:

/* LedTable 
  * Written by: Klaas De Craemer, Ing. David Hrbaty, Modified by: Mark Quinn
 * Main file with common methods and defines, such as button reading from Bluetooth controller 
 * or setting pixels on the LED area 
 #include <SoftwareSerial.h> 
//LED field size
 #define  FIELD_WIDTH      16
 #define  FIELD_HEIGHT     16
#define  ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL //Rotation of table, uncomment to rotate field 90 degrees 

 #include <SPI.h>
#include <SD.h>
#define USE_FAST_LED   // FAST_LED as library to control the LED strips 

#define BLUETOOTH_SPEED 38400 
  * Some defines used by the FAST_LED library 
#define MAX_BRIGHTNESS 255      // Thats full on, watch the power!
#define MIN_BRIGHTNESS 10       // set to a minimum of 8%
const int brightnessInPin = A0;

 /* *** LED color table *** */ 
 #define  GREEN  0x008000 
 #define  RED    0xFF0000 
 #define  BLUE   0x0000FF 
 #define  YELLOW 0xFFFF00 
 #define  LBLUE  0x00FFFF 
 #define  PURPLE 0xFF00FF 
 #define  WHITE  0XFFFFFF
 #define  AQUA   0x00FFFF
 #define  HOTPINK 0xFF69B4
 unsigned int long colorLib[9] = {RED, GREEN, BLUE, YELLOW, LBLUE, PURPLE, WHITE, AQUA, HOTPINK}; 
 /* *** Game commonly used defines ** */ 
 #define  DIR_UP     1 
 #define  DIR_DOWN   2 
 #define  DIR_LEFT   3 
 #define  DIR_RIGHT  4 
 /* *** Bluetooth controller button defines and input method *** */ 
 #define  BTN_NONE   0 
 #define  BTN_UP     1 
 #define  BTN_DOWN   2 
 #define  BTN_LEFT   3 
 #define  BTN_RIGHT  4 
 #define  BTN_START  5 
 #define  BTN_EXIT   6 
 uint8_t curControl = BTN_NONE; 
// Serial1.begin(38400); 

byte incomingByte; 
 void readInput(){ 
   curControl = BTN_NONE; 
  if (Serial1.available() > 0) { 
     // read the incoming byte: 
         incomingByte =; 
         case 51: 
           curControl = BTN_LEFT; 
         case 52: 
          curControl = BTN_RIGHT; 
         case 49: 
           curControl = BTN_UP; 
         case 50: 
          curControl = BTN_DOWN; 
         case 53: 
          curControl = BTN_START; 
         case 54: 
           curControl = BTN_EXIT; 

 /* *********************************** */ 

 void setup(){ 
   //Wait for serial port to connect 
 void loop(){ 

That program never calls the readInput() function, and never prints anything.

I give up