Bluetooth speaker

Hi everyone, total newbie here & I know nothing.

I'm trying to build a Bluetooth speaker (to fit in an old walkie talkie casing so space is limited). I'm given to understand I need an ESP32 board, but the ones from Amazon aren't working properly, don't like my code, don't show up in the boards listed etc.

I'm at my wits end. I don't need anything special, just a small board that will do a Bluetooth streaming connection.

I'm going to use a PAM8403 amp too as I can join it to the underside of the vol knob on the radio.

Answers a 5yo can understand please :upside_down_face:

You need to be far more specific. What ESP boards from amazon?
First thing is to load the blink sketch...
Did you try that?

So why would you use ESP32? There are modular bluetooth receiver boards that have an analog output for most often a 3.5mm stereo jack for headphones or an amplifier as in your case. Just use one.