Hello All, not sure if I am in the right section here but I guess I will know soon enough
has anyone had any issues with sending serial data over Bluetooth to ExtraPuTTy or PLX-DAQ?
I have a plant watering system and have just fitted the HC-05 Bluetooth module, works fine to Arduino IDE Serial Monitor but I would like to record my data, in PLX I get an error about COM Port settings, it will connect to COM6 (bluetooth) but not COM7 which is the one I am using
if I switch to ExtraPuTTy I only get COM1 or 3 in the dropdown setting, cannot even see the bluetooth port that I am using
has anyone seen this before? a quick google didn't really show up much other than a couple of unanswered questions around the same topic
I believe so. It sounds like you are using the original PLX-DAQ, which has a limited number of COM ports that it can address. It may be possible to configure PC to host bluetooth on a lower COM port, but I have never pursued that. I raised this matter with NetDevil when PLX v2 was coming out, and I believe it was fixed. If you are using V2 and it has not been fixed, talk to NetDevil about it. I got the impression that it can be easily fixed. While I believe PLX v2 is one the most significant contributions on this forum, I have never actually used it as the original is fine for me anyway and, now that I use bluetooth, I find Bluetooth Graphics Terminal a better option.
I believe so. It sounds like you are using the original PLX-DAQ, which has a limited number of COM ports that it can address. It may be possible to configure PC to host bluetooth on a lower COM port, but I have never pursued that. I raised this matter with NetDevil when PLX v2 was coming out, and I believe it was fixed. If you are using V2 and it has not been fixed, talk to NetDevil about it. I got the impression that it can be easily fixed. While I believe PLX v2 is one the most significant contributions on this forum, I have never actually used it as the original is fine for me anyway and, now that I use bluetooth, I find Bluetooth Graphics Terminal a better option.
thanks Nick, I will check out V2, not sure its anything to do with number limits, there are something like 15 available in PLX and I am only on 7, it doesn't seem to recognise it if its connected in the IDE. anyway I will check out V2 thanks for the advice
There just might be another problem here, anyway, but the solution is the same.
What I was talking about was PLX seeing the port, and maybe you are instead talking about connecting. My laptop's bluetooth is on COM 40, and I had no chance. If you can see the port, it could be that your real problem is with Excel not being able to use the data, and actually refusing to accept it. You are clearly not using PLX v2 - yet - so, are you aware that the original PLX will not work with Excel later than Office 2003? I have never actually experienced the problem, but I recall it doesn't become manifest until you actually run a data stream from Arduino. The solution was to simply buy, beg, borrow, or steal a copy of Office 2000. These days v2 does it all, hence my comment about NetDevil's great contribution.