body temperature

Hi every one ..

I'm in the last year of university and I want to make a project by using arduino, the idea of my project is measure the body temperature continually and if the temperature rise up the normal range will alarm also will send the sms to cell phone.
So what i need to do this project, knowing that the project can be worn on the wrist to be easy see the temperature .

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It can be done.
If you want to wear it on wrist, I don't know any GSM shields which will fit on your wrist.
You can make it a ring also,but you lose the "SMS" functionality

Ok, do you have any idea or instructions could guide me to start work with my project ??

Well even if you manage to do it the project is quite pointless.
Temperature of skin of wrist may go from I guess 20 or even less to 50 and maybe more °C without any harm. To get something usefull you need to measure core temperature i.e. temperature of arterial blood, oesophagus or rectum (armpit at worst).

I can just see someone running around with one of these with a sensor on a wire into their shorts :slight_smile: Don't think it will sell very well. Pulse rate etc. from the wrist are fine, but as previously stated, temperature is going to be significantly different from actual if the ambient air temperature is significantly different from the body.

If you want just a "Digital Thermometer"-ish something,
Use LM35 and Arduino
Here is some code-

/*Thermometer using LM35 and Arduino
 * Reads voltage generated by the LM35 precision temperature sensor
 * and converts it to a temperature value in *c
 * Connections:
 *  LM35       Arduino
 * Pin 1        +5v
 * Pin 2        A0
 * Pin 3        GND
 * modified 8-APR-2016
 * by Malhar Deshmukh
float tem;
// the setup function runs once when you press reset or power the board
void setup()
// the loop function runs over and over again
// forever and keeps reading the temperature
void loop()
  tem = analogRead(A0) * 0.418; //read voltage and convert it to temperature in *C
  Serial.println(tem);//Print the temperature to serial monitor
  delay(100); //Delay for stability


when your "subject" with this device goes for a run or does heavy physical work (ie shoveling a load of coal into the furnace coal hopper) their body temperature will go up compared to simply walking or reading a newspaper

does the unit have to have it's own GSM/cellphone? most people carry a cellphone with them so theoretically possible to use that to send the sms message (don't know if anyone has made a android or apple ios sms app that can recieve a signal from arduino)

Hi every body..
what is the best and more accurate temperature sensor can measure the body temperature ??

Hi Omar,

There are a lot of places to measure a person's temperature. Depending on how you choose to do this, you might want to try a temp sensor like this one:

It's pretty popular with Arduino folks and works great.

I'm sure there are several other options, but this might be a good place to start.


Thanks pat ..
My project is like a band that can be wore around the wrist and measure the body temp with display the degree on the LCD.

That will require a custom sensor, processor, and display. You probably won't find what you're looking for in this forum, unfortunately.