Can anyone recommend a good Arduino book for a beginner?
Look thru this post, a book is suggested 1/2 way.
I would recommend standard "BASIC, C/C++, assembly" programming before entering the world of microcontrollers and PICs. Very often, on this web forum, you will see students who thought Arduino was just a copy/paste shortcut to a video gaming robot, to whom even the basics of programming and electronics were a mystery. Their prerequisites were waived.
Arduino (micro-controllers, PICs) are a bit advanced for "beginner" programmers. Although the projects can quickly translate a bunch of typing into a physical and logical action, it can also be frustrating when a diode is placed backwards, or a wire is placed in the wrong spot and permanently damages your Arduino.
HOWEVER if you have beginners who enjoy learning electronics and programming, jumping into the deep end of Arduino is loads of fun.
"Sams" publishes good material, even for on-line subjects (Linux, C language, et c.), but their Arduino PDF book seems a bit sloppy. I would refer beginners to online sites who understand the needs of beginners (what is a resistor? a variable? a bit? greater than? == vs =?). For beginner programming and circuits, I like "Programming Electronics Academy" on youtube. For intermediate programmers and 3D-printing, Brian Vines (BV3D) on youtube. For competent programmers, electronics, and robotics, (everything he does has a complete web page and a full-length youtube video).
First, a disclaimer: I'm the author of the following books. I would suggest you read the reviews of any book you consider that's available on Amazon to better judge if they meet your needs:
Beginning C for Arduino, Second Edition (Amazon 1484209419)
Beginning C for Microcontrollers (Amazon B08GFDGN7P)
If you have interest in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) or Software Defined Radio, consider:
Digital Signal Processing and Software Defined Radio (Amazon B08GFDGN7P)
@randyryan the Internet archive has a lot of very interesting literature most of it free to view. A basic search for "c programming" brings up "The C Programming Language" second edition by Brian Kernighan and Dennis Ritchie amongst other good books. Even if you don't wish to do your study on line, I'm a little old fashioned and like a book I can hold, it's still a good link to have in your book marks.
With the K&R book, you will break your neck with the first example
It's a general problem with C/C++ books and tutorials; they are written with a PC in mind.
I wrote the C Programming Guide in 1982 because I found K&R to be tough sledding, especially for someone with no prior programming experience. That book was translated into 10 foreign languages and sold over 235,000 copies...and I'll bet half of those sales were after the student tried learning with the K&R book. K&R is an excellent reference book. It is not a good entry level book.
@sterretje @econjack yes I concede that may not be the right entry point and it is aimed more at the PC so I did another search and pulled up "Beginning Arduino Programming" // "Writing Code for the Most Popular Microcontroller Board in the World by Brian Evans", you have to be a member to "borrow" the book and read the full content but membership is free. Even that may not be as good as some of the suggestions here but I did want to share the link to the Internet Archive it's a good mainly free resource, some of the content is old but still interesting to read.
Edit : taking another look there is a bunch of Arduino articles in the archive
I would recommend the recent book
Mastering the Arduino Uno r4. written by Dogan Ibrahim
Its from Elektor publishing and they have decades worth of knowledge about anything related to electronics and programming.
Nothing beats the experience of K&R v1 ... And then on to the O'Reilley UNIX references and further to Stevens, "Advanced Programming in the UNIX Environment"
Or, you know, a timesharing minicomputer.
Happy DEC-10 day, to those who celebrate!
I learned Arduino by Google Search. You can check this link as a reference.
It recommends some of the best books in the market. Hope it helps you. @randyryan
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