I've been tinkering with arduino for a few years, mostly by using and modifying example code. I've dabbled in programming in many languages but not proficient in any specific one. I can usually pick up on what's going on.
Recently I purchased two Arduino books. They were OK, I learned a few things I didn't know.... but all the books I see seem to mostly cover electronics and information I don't care about, like how microcontrollers work, history of coding, etc... What I am looking for is a programming reference that covers ALL the arduino arguments and code... not just an introductory that covers the basics.
Looking for suggestions on a book I can buy (or print) that focuses on CODE for Arduino IDE
Hi, About 7 years ago, I bought a book called ARDUINO COOKBOOK . It is written by Michael Margolis and published by O'Reilly. I am a hardware person teaching myself programming and using this book along with several posts on this forum has enabled me to learn some good stuff !! It is 700 pages long with lots of examples and code snippets. Am I a programmer - hell no, but I can write some code to test my hardware designs and put together some complete projects !! Hope this helps !! Tom
I use C to program the arduino. It was invented to write code for the unix operating system so it is considered a "very close to the hardware" language. It has been used to program every microcontroller that I have come across.
In fact a lot of times i will just use a c compiler on my desktop to test code before down loading to my arduino board since it is faster to develop. Of course, it has to be C , not using any of the arduino extensions.
So if you learn C it will help you get to the next level. Also by reading other people C code you will gain a lot of insight how C is used.
Yes. A rare bit of C++, usually if I amusing a library that was written with C++, you sorta have to meet such a thing halfway.
And +1 for developing logic of the software away from any real world distractions like broken parts or dodgy cables or power supply issues.
I use several online compilers for that, and for getting most of the hardware working similarly undistracted by real world issues I use nth is simukator:
There are many many places to learn C. The classic
I have not used any simulators but you are correct that would also save time. Thanks for the link.
I have tried to learn enough C++ to understand the libraries so I can get the most out of them.