I'm making an exoskeleton arm, that will (for now) be fastened only to forearm and upper arm. I have a Myoware muscle sensor, potentiometers, acc/gyro board... The question is how would you control this? What would be your inputs, what software control would you use so that Exo-arm would follow your arm as intuitively as possible?
My idea: Since the muscle sensor doesn't work perfectly (partly because of the muscles) I'd need some other sensor that would compensate for that error. That would be potentiometer in this case. So that whenever muscle sensor detects change in the values (lifting something), the uC will power the motor so that angle of the arm changes respectively to the intensity of the muscle sensor output. I will probably also need some kind of regulator (PID, PD, etc).
Attach the potentiometers to a framework strapped to each of the joints of your arm that you want to sense the angle of. You can find some good examples of this with a bit of searching. The IMU could be useful if there's any data you can't get from the pots, I guess on the hand would be the best location.
I guess you could use the Myoware muscle sensor to control the opening and closing of the grabber on the arm. I don't really see it as being useful for much else. The other sensors should provide all the positioning data you need.
Potentiometers will be used just as you said. The problem still remains on how to control retracting and extending the arm though.. And also how to control the speed to be as intuitive as it can be.
Arm that will control the exo-arm will be fastened to the exo-arm, just to clarify. Only one potentiometer is needed for this. Control as in software code is the problem.