$ Building Man in the Middle Vin Spoofer for Automotive $

Hello I am new to Arduino with some c# programming experience. I have a Arduino uno and a canbus shield 1.2 stacked on top. Can anyone help me spoof vin via man in the middle attack with these devices? I can find canbus kbps rate no problem, im just not sure where to start. I am trying to have vin number show up proper for state inspection after replacing used ECU. This device would be 24/7 attached to obd2 port canbus lines. PM me for whatsapp if interested. I am willing to pay, this will be a interesting project to get me into arduino projects in the future as well :slight_smile:

I am looking for something similar to this:

Perhaps the concept is similar to this:

@uagalex has also made a separate topic requesting free assistance in the Project Guidance category:

This topic will be dedicated exclusively to discussion of the offer of payment for assistance. If anyone wants to offer free assistance, use the other topic.

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