You appear to be using pins 0 and 1 for your application and these are also used for any serial activity. Is the affected led connected to one of these pins ?
You say leds are connected in parallel, but does each led have its own current limiting resistor ?
A schematic diagram would make the project easier to follow. The Fritzing diagram is not very clear.
Yes, sir, you are right!
The affected LED is indeed connected to pin 1. And yes, each LED has its own resistor in series with the LED.
I am posting the code so you can have a look. Please note that the actual code that is in the arduino right now, is slightly different. When I was using the following code the flickering did not occur. Or at least, I did not notice it. The only thing that is different is that I added the "#define INTERVAL" feature in order to try and adjust the arduino time drifting. Otherwise, the code is the same.
Is there anything I can do about the flickering? Could it be related to #define Interval feature in the code? is there any way, to get rid of the flickering?
An open-source binary clock for Arduino.
Based on the code from by Rob Faludi (http://www.faludi.com)
Code under (cc) by Daniel Spillere Andrade, www.danielandrade.net
int second=0, minute=0, hour=0; //start the time on 00:00:00
int munit,hunit,valm=0,valh=0,ledstats,i;
void setup() { //set outputs and inputs
pinMode(1, OUTPUT);pinMode(2, OUTPUT);pinMode(3, OUTPUT);pinMode(4, OUTPUT);pinMode(5, OUTPUT);
pinMode(6, OUTPUT);pinMode(7, OUTPUT);pinMode(8, OUTPUT);pinMode(9, OUTPUT);pinMode(10, OUTPUT);
pinMode(11, OUTPUT);pinMode(12, OUTPUT);pinMode(13, OUTPUT);
pinMode(0, INPUT);
void loop() {
static unsigned long lastTick = 0; // set up a local variable to hold the last time we moved forward one second
// (static variables are initialized once and keep their values between function calls)
// move forward one second every 1000 milliseconds
if (millis() - lastTick >= 1000) {
lastTick = millis();
// move forward one minute every 60 seconds
if (second >= 60) {
second = 0; // reset seconds to zero
// move forward one hour every 60 minutes
if (minute >=60) {
minute = 0; // reset minutes to zero
if (hour >=24) {
minute = 0; // reset minutes to zero
munit = minute%10; //sets the variable munit and hunit for the unit digits
hunit = hour%10;
ledstats = digitalRead(0); // read input value, for setting leds off, but keeping count
if (ledstats == LOW) {
digitalWrite(i, LOW);}
} else {
//minutes units
if(munit == 1 || munit == 3 || munit == 5 || munit == 7 || munit == 9) { digitalWrite(1, HIGH);} else { digitalWrite(1,LOW);}
if(munit == 2 || munit == 3 || munit == 6 || munit == 7) {digitalWrite(2, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(2,LOW);}
if(munit == 4 || munit == 5 || munit == 6 || munit == 7) {digitalWrite(3, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(3,LOW);}
if(munit == 8 || munit == 9) {digitalWrite(4, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(4,LOW);}
if((minute >= 10 && minute < 20) || (minute >= 30 && minute < 40) || (minute >= 50 && minute < 60)) {digitalWrite(5, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(5,LOW);}
if(minute >= 20 && minute < 40) {digitalWrite(6, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(6,LOW);}
if(minute >= 40 && minute < 60) {digitalWrite(7, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(7,LOW);}
//hour units
if(hunit == 1 || hunit == 3 || hunit == 5 || hunit == 7 || hunit == 9) {digitalWrite(8, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(8,LOW);}
if(hunit == 2 || hunit == 3 || hunit == 6 || hunit == 7) {digitalWrite(9, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(9,LOW);}
if(hunit == 4 || hunit == 5 || hunit == 6 || hunit == 7) {digitalWrite(10, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(10,LOW);}
if(hunit == 8 || hunit == 9) {digitalWrite(11, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(11,LOW);}
if(hour >= 10 && hour < 20) {digitalWrite(12, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(12,LOW);}
if(hour >= 20 && hour < 24) {digitalWrite(13, HIGH);} else {digitalWrite(13,LOW);}
valm = analogRead(0); // add one minute when pressed
if(valm<800) {
valh = analogRead(5); // add one hour when pressed
if(valh<800) {