Hi, I just want to control 1 servo, and I really only wonder if I can control a servo simply with analog output.
My program uses the tone() function, and it would be so much simpler if I could generate my own pulses rather than using Servo or SoftwareServo.
That means no blocking code
Which, of course, means no tone() calls.
Hi, I just want to control 1 servo, and I really only wonder if I can control a servo simply with analog output.
You could. But you would have to do pretty much the same thing as the Servo library is doing so what would be the point?
My program uses the tone() function, and it would be so much simpler if I could generate my own pulses rather than using Servo or SoftwareServo.
If your real problem is that the Servo library is interfering with the tone function perhaps you should try the servoTimer2 library