Can I reinstall the Arduino standard built in libraries without deleting the IDE completely?

I have messed up and some of my built in libraries have been deleted. Can I find a list of all the necessary libraries and reinstall them without uninstalling the IDE completely?


Michael F.

Please confirm which version of the IDE you are using ?

If it is IDE 1.x then consider installing IDE 2.3.3

I am using 2.3.3

I only just started with Arduino and have messed up with file locations etc. Some of my folders (documents) automatically install to the cloud through OneDrive, so I wanted to bring them "home" to my C:/ drive. Unfortunately I have messed up and lost my application installed libraries.

I tried uninstalling the application in its entirety, but it didn't work. I must have failed to delete everything.

I want to do a clean install if possible.

I have moved your topic to the IDE 2.x category of the forum

Why not simply reinstall the IDE ?

Hi @mjfotheringham.

There is no universal list. Each project can have a different set of library dependencies (or no dependencies at all).

In a well documented project, you will find a list of its library dependencies. So be sure to check the documentation of any projects you found on the Internet. Unfortunately it is common for the creator of an Arduino project to not be so kind as to document the dependencies. In this case you must infer the required dependencies by studying how the libraries are referenced in the code. If you have trouble with that, you can post a link to where you downloaded the code from and we'll try to help you.

Doing this would be pointless. It is true that Arduino IDE automatically installs an arbitrary set of fundamental libraries on the first run after a fresh installation. However, it stores these libraries in a dedicated folder that is not on your OneDrive so I'm certain that those libraries are still installed.

So this is an "XY problem". If you want help with the root problem ("Y"), then you need to provide use with a detailed explanation of what that really is instead of wasting time asking for instructions for how to install these "application installed libraries" ("X"), which you erroneously believe will solve "Y".