Can the ESP32 behave as WiFi extender with WiFi AP_STA mode


I would like to use the ESP32 as a WiFi extender like device for an experiment. I would like to ask if this can be done using the WiFi AP_STA dual mode (AP + station). Eg. If I set the ESP32 to AP_STA then it will be connected to the internet, and also provide an AP SSID for clients to connect to the ESP32.

I have seen this firmware that makes the ESP32 behave like a router GitHub - martin-ger/esp32_nat_router: A simple NAT Router for the ESP32. However I don't understand why we need do create a separate network and do NAT in the ESP32.

Can we leave NAT to the upstream router and have the ESP32 act like a pure access point (no NAT) if we use the WiFi dual mode? Ie. the client will connect to the ESP32 access point but still get it's IP from the upstream router.


Google shows four YouTube videos, at least two "Instructables", and a GitHub project (GitHub - dujeonglee/ESP32-WiFi-Extender) on how to do it.

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