Can't get 1.8.13 to load - Win10

Hi there,

I looked through the forums tonight, and I see the notes about a problem with a .json file and to delete the Arduino15 directory, but that doesn't seem to apply.

I'm using Windows 10, I did a first time install of 1.8.13 today. When I try to load Arduino.exe (both as an Admin and without), the splash screen shows then the app crashes.

I pulled the hourly zip (currently from 6/16), and pasted the contents over top of my prog86 install, but I'm getting the same result.

I tried the arduino_debug exe as well, that kicks out a message:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> cd 'C:\Program Files (x86)\'
PS C:\Program Files (x86)> cd .\Arduino\
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino> .\arduino.exe
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino> .\arduino_debug.exe
Set log4j store directory C:\Users\menty\AppData\Local\Arduino15
You forgot your sketchbook: Arduino cannot run because it could not
create a folder to store your sketchbook.
PS C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino>

I checked my Arduino15 folder to see if there was a file I could delete (in line with the 6/11 problem), but there are no files there, hidden or otherwise.

Any thoughts?

The Arduino IDE needs to create a folder named Arduino in your Documents folder ($env:USERPROFILE/Documents/Arduino in PowerShell). If for some reason it doesn't have write access to that location, it won't be able to start. It is possible to configure a different sketchbook location if the default one won't work for you. If that's the case, let me know and I'll provide instructions.

Creating that folder worked, thank you!!!

You're welcome. I'm glad to hear it's working now. The IDE normally creates the folder automatically, but there must be something about your system that prevents that (permissions, antivirus, etc.). Enjoy!

I ran into the same issue right now and solved it the same way as you've described.

The reason for it might have to with a setting i recently added to Windows Defender settings called something like "monitored folder access" where i added my user folder ($env:USERPROFILE/Documents/) to it, so no external app can modifiy it's contents.

Hope this helps someone else to understand this obstacle.